2013 August

It's Show Time

It's Showtime

We arrived at the rally on Friday afternoon to set up the FFA stand and to mark out the ploughing plots.
When I noticed the ploughing field was still full of peas. . . . . . . So off to find Tony the rally organiser who made contact with the farmer to find out the latest, the farmers reply was don’t panic I will be cutting them later today, the peas are still 18.5% giving you about 20-30 acres to play on.
Approx 3pm Ken Bailey arrived, once he was sorted out we started putting FFA stand together( banners .flags etc etc ) once the stand was all sorted on to marking out the ploughing plots, 26 in total which is
ime consuming itself.
18.30 Arrived so it was time for the BBQ, Myself & Ken tucked into burgers, sausages, chicken side salad & 2 cans of fosters each ! (They went down well). After the BBQ we had a walk around the rally site and spoke to other stallholders. 11pm it was time to hit the sack.
Early Saturday morning we opened the FFA stand ready for the day, while I was manning the stand Ken decided to go down to the field to start some ploughing, by then the exhibitors had arrived and public were starting to appear. More ploughmen decided to join Ken ploughing. The day in whole was a fairly quiet day for the public but more due for the Sunday.
Sunday arrived Brenda my wife manned the FFA stand whilst myself & Ken sorted the ploughmen & ploughing, by 10.30 the rally was in full swing, exhibitors were all ready for the day and the public were flowing through the gate.
On the main rally field there were a good selection of Stationery Engines, Classic cars, vintage bikes and various sizes of steam engines all running, trade stalls selling flowers, bric a brac and many other oddities, plus 2 live bands playing throughout the day at various times.
At 3pm it was time for the vintage tractor ring parade, so on with the FFA high vis for some PR, I was asked if I would undertake the commentary for the parade.
Once the parade of all the various tractors had been round the ring, I organised a forward & backwards `slow race’ for the tractors to take part in. the winner for both the `races’ was Paul Arlidge on a Massey Ferguson 165.
Around 4pm the rally was nearing its end and the public were slowly leaving the field. It was time for us to start taking down the stand and tidying up the ploughing area.
One of the organisers Tony Turner called me over to be awarded with the prize,
"The Dennis Livermore Memorial trophy" for the Ford & Fordson Association stand.
Judged by Shaun Livermore.
Conrad & Brenda recieving their award from Tony Turner for the FFA Stand
I would like to thank Tony Turner for inviting us,also ofcourse not forgetting Brenda my wife, and a special thanks to Ken Bailey for all his help throughout the weekend.
This was A & L Fundraisers Club 10th Annual Event - They are supporting the Thundersley Little Havens Children's Hospice (charity no. 1022119) and have raised £50,000 in seven years for this good cause.
Words & Photos - Conrad Hopkins

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2013 July


This year’s Expo IX was held at The Welland Steam & Country Rally

from 26th to 28th July.

Firstly I must thank Graham Skittery and the committee of the Ross-on-Wye Steam Engine Society for inviting us and for the excellent facilities that they provided.  Members attending enjoyed the rally; we had an excellent position and were provided with a marquee that made a great focal point with an interesting selection of tractors grouped around it.
Our club member Ken Bailey braved taking some photographs of the rally from a basket on a crane a dangling 100feet from the ground. It made my knees feel funny just watching him however he took some good pictures one of our stand is included here.
My thanks to Mark Grass-Brown, known to many of you for his tractor pulling commentaries for fearlessly agreeing to judge members tractors, it is a job that cannot be done without someone feeling aggrieved.
The results were as follows: -

Best in Show:

1st Margaret Badham  1942 Fordson N Industrial

2nd Nick Bryne  Fordson Standard N

3rd Stuart Bailey  Fordson Major E27N

Best Unrestored:

1st Ian Davies Fordson Major E27N on half-tracks with Mule Dozer

2nd Jonathan Boaz Fordson Standard “All-round”

3rd Anthony Stokes 1943Fordson N with Henderson trencher

“The One I’d most like to take home”

Chris Tranter 1964 County Super 4

Nick Bryne bought a cut away E27N engine that engendered a lot of interest and much turning of the crank handle, it was surprising that several people had not realised that these engines were ‘splash’ lubricated and not pressure fed.

All in all in was a good and enjoyable show with plenty of old working, unrestored and restored tractor for all to see. Thank you to you all who hepled man the FFA marquee and those that brought their beloved and superb tractors to this show.

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2013 June

Newby Hall

8th & 9th June 2013  "SUNSHINE OVER A SEA OF BLUE"

Newby hall was blessed with a sizzling weekend  sun shine bringing the crowds out and a big entry of tractors of all makes making what must be one of the best shows for the north yorkshire vintage club, huge crowds on both days of the show basked in gloriouse blazing sunshine.
The FFA stand had a marvellous turn out of members  calling for tea and a natter and bringing their tractors to show, we had 83 tractors on the FFA stand and what a sight it was bringing in the spectators by the busload.
All makes of tractors turned up from the small compact tractor to the mighty northrop 4 wheel drive in pride of place. Thanks must go to all members who made the effort to put on such a wonderfull display.
Thanks too to the North Yorkshire Vintage Society for our prime stand space, and to the helpers on the stand who made it all tick over in a friendly fashion which is what makes the " FFA"  the leading Ford Tractor club , friendly,  and with a warm welcome for members old and new , so onward and upward as they say the A G M is coming up, ploughing competitions and regional tractor and agricultural shows lets keep the flag flying for the coming show season.

Words & Photo's - FFA Yorkshire Area Rep -  Roger Ingham

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2013 December

I.O.W Road Run

The Charity Road Run on the Isle of Wight was held on Saturday 29th December in aid of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance

Despite a forecast of force 9 winds and heavy rain a hardy bunch of some 26 classic tractor enthusiasts turned out for the Inaugural Festive Road Run.  This was an event put forward by the team of David Lemonius, Denis Pocock and John Butcher who are have been organising the Charity Fun Weekend on the Island during March for the last 4 years.
The route took us from the car park at "Carpet Right" in Gunville (other Carpet suppliers are available) and out to Betty Haunt Lane and through some lovely countryside in Great Park exiting on the main Yarmouth- Newport Road at Three Gates. Thence on to Calbourne and Brighstone with a pit stop at New Wolverton Farm, Yafford.
The second half took us down through Atherfield Green and on up to Chale Green to Berry Shute at Billingham and a delightful run down through Cridmore and on up to the Chequers Inn on the very aptly named Bleak Down as by this time it was raining and blowing.
The Inn provided suitable warmth and everyone dispersed in their various directions mid afternoon.

Around £400.00 was raised for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance and our thanks must go to all the car park owners and landowners who allowed us to cross their land without which this Road Run would not have been possible.

The support & feedback given to us by the entrants was overwhelming and this event was voted such a great success that they all wanted to do it again next year.

Report & Photos - F.F.A Isle of Wight Area representative David Lemonius

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2012 July 2


The Showfield, Swavesey, Cambridgeshire on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd July

This years Expo VIII was held at The Showfield, Swavesey, Cambridgeshire on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd July. It is a relatively new rally just off the A14 West of Cambridge.  The week had been wet and frankly I feared another cancellation, but this was not to be.
Ray and Vander Parcell held their nerve and the event went ahead, the site drying up as the weekend progressed. We had a marquee provided by the organisers, and an interesting turn out of members’ tractors.
The Club again had its own parade that was superbly compared by our past chairman Peter Godwin. Ernest Doe kindly provided a New Holland T2710 in Maserati Blue driven to the site courtesy of Edwin Palmer, an impressive beast. Max Cherry on his F with Plough implement & FFA Chairman Pat Pawsey on his E27N enjoying their way to display ring for the FFA afternoon Parade.
The marquee was not in the best position but this was simply because the intended site was on lower ground that was waterlogged due to the rain on the Friday. Ray & Vander Parcells had to think on their feet and change the layout to suite the conditions and under the circumstances they did a very good job.


All Catagories were Judged by Exhibitors & Members.
  • Tractor The Judges Would Like To Take Home

    1st. George Yarwood - 1980 Roadless 78

    2nd Rodney Broadley – 1964 Ford 4000 Major

    3rd. G. Hemmins – Fordson Major KFD 68

    Others commended: Pat Pawsey, Michael Rolls, New Holland, Max Cherry, Simon Boreham and  Edwin Palmer.
  • Best Restored Tractor

    1st Simon Boreham – 1963 Fordson New Performance Super Major

    2nd Stuart Bailey – 1946 Fordson E27N Major

    3rd Keith & Angie Canham – 1937 Fordson N Longwing

    Others commended: Margaret Badham, Michael Rolls, Simon Smart, Rodney Broadley, George Yarword and Peter Whitbread
  • Best Un-Restored Tractor

    1st. Max Cherry – 1927 Fordson F & Plough
    2nd Ricky Pavitt – 1938 Fordson Standard N
    3rd Pat Pawsey – 1950 Fordson E27N (P6)

    Others commended: Phil Semmens & O. Underwood.

It was a successful rally for us and the venue was chosen in line with our policy of moving round the country.  Next year’s EXPO is scheduled to probaly be at the Welland rally; I attended the rally for the first time last year and can thoroughly recommend it.

 Words & Photo's

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2012 Heritage

Newark Heritage

Netwark Heritage Show

This was the final show of the season and the weather, for once, behaved itself, well nearly.. . . . . .  Saturday was fairly sunny and both days were not too cold. There was certainly plenty to see and we were in a better position than last year. 
Those of you who visited us liked our new marquee and it was even pleasant enough to sit outside with a cup of tea at times - not bad for November.  Many members' tractors were in the Feature marquee and elsewhere rather than on the FFA stand however the prize shelf was not bare as Margaret Badham won 'The best tractor entered by a lady' with her lovely little 1942 Fordson N industrial.
The auction was well attended, as was the Sort out, of course going to look is absolutely essential - you just never know what bargains there are to be had.  I must say that whilst wandering around one of the many things that caught my eye was a Perkins L4 sectioned long ways, I've not seen an engine cut like this before and there was even a hinge at the back!
All in all the show was a good end to a successful year for the Club.
Words & Photo's - Pat Pawsey

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2012 October

FFA AGM 2012

The FFA AGM held at the Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway on 21st October:

It rained, as has been usual this year, in fact I think we picked the wettest spot in the country but that did not stop some hardy souls driving their tractors to Bredgar, nor indeed did it dampen our members enjoyment of what turned out to be a very interesting day.
Over 80 members and friends attended the meeting and my particular thanks go to Rodney and Wendy Gibson, Ernie & Hazel Clark, John & Linda Vowell (all Kent FFA Area Reprasentatives) & Stockbury W.I Ladies for the hard work they put into organising the event. It all ran very smoothly which makes some people think that these events just happen. In fact nothing is further from the truth, it is a lot of hard work and needs much organising.
Hazel Looking after the Famous Gibson Baked Potatoe Machine
Members enjoying their lunch
I must say that Bill Best, Bredgar's & Wormshill Light Railway's owner, made us very welcome and the extent of the engineering work preserving the steam locomotives that is done 'in house' was a real eye opener, as one member put it to me this must be "The Worlds Best Train Set".  A statement only partially true, as they were once all working engines or, as Bill described them, the 'dumpers' of their day.
At the meeting reports were given by myself and an excellent report from our treasurer, Jane Broomhall, plus a full years accounts and the first six months of this year. As space is limited this month there will be a full report of the AGM in the next magazine together with news of the FFA's stand at Newark.
After the AGM meeting Bill Best gave a fantastic summary of why he has this collection and how it all started. After Bill it was the turn of the FFA's DVLA Tractor Registration Officer Anthony Patten as he explained to us what his part in registring a tractor was, which forms were needed and some of his nightmares that he has had over his many years in doing this.
I can thoroughly recommend a visit to the site for anyone with any mechanical bent or, is into steam or trains and of course anyone with children, it is a really great day out.
Photos - Ernie

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2012 July

Melford 2012

The Farm Machinery Preservation Society's Rakky at Long Melford on the 7th and 8th of July

The rally is held on land behind Melford Hall, a really idyllic setting.  Last year was the club’s first attendance and the weather was gorgeous. but this year what a difference; the first day, after rain the previous two nights, turned out well but on Saturday night even ducks needed to take cover!

The Club had its own parade on Saturday, the photographs of this and the FFA display are courtesy of Trevor Burch.
It must have been a heart breaking decision for the committee but the show was cancelled before opening on the Sunday morning.

I must say I congratulate the FMPS committee for sending all exhibitors a warning that if they left the rally before 5pm on the Sunday they would not be invited to attend next year.  I know that some tractor men are guilty of pulling off their pegs a tad early, but the worst offenders must surely be the vintage cars, some of them start leaving at lunchtime. That really is not fair while the paying public are still coming in. Tom Hunt, the tractor steward, told me that a few of them actually sent their entry tickets back!

However I digress. All of Sunday was spent pulling exhibitors off the site and FFA members played their part.
I have to say that the photo is taken at the start, the ‘dry’ bit once over the stream and going up the
other side it was much much worse! Such a pity as this is one of my favourite rallies; my sympathy
goes to the organisers.
Photos - Trevor Burch

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2012 March

Kent Heritage

Kent Heritage Show - Kent County Show Ground, Maidstone, Kent
on Saturday 31st March 2012

Held at The Kent County Show Ground, Maidstone, Kent on Saturday 31st March 2012 and organised by The Kent Agricultural Society. I said in last years show write up "It grows every year". This is true again as this year there were about a third more Tractor, Vehicle & Commercial exhibitors here than last year and just over 5,000 visitors to the show, not bad for a one day event. Adult Ticket prices wern't to unreasonable either at £6.50 pre-book & £7.50 on the gate with under 12's free.
The main Themes for this years show were Maidstone & District and East Kent Bus Company Club celebrating its Diamond Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the MGB Roadster and the Massey Ferguson 35X as well as celebrating 100 years of AEC buses.
After setting up the FFA stand with Rodney, Wendy Gibson & Linda Vowell it was time for me to have a wander around the displays and gather my photos and information for the website.
Free vintage bus rides with stops positioned around the showground, were a fanatastic sight to see and Yes I had a trip on a London double decker bus, which reminded me of the "Harry Potter Night bus to Hoggwarts" and the "Carry on the Buses film".There was even a period dressed conductor who rang the bell when all were aboard.
The brightly painted with superb hand painted signwritting detail Bedford coach was originally used as a tour bus from Valletta to London, so I thought this would also be worth a trip on aswell.
This "Home Front Bus" mainly travels around schools giving the kids a chance to see and understand what the Home Front meant and did during the war. The inside of this bus had been converted to a living museum. You can view more information by visiting their website Home Front Bus.
There were many Vintage & Classic Vehicle Clubs here with their display area's full of Motorcycles, Commercials and Cars. VJMC - The Vintage Japaneese Motorcycle Club had a great stand with many classic motorcycles on it.

Kawasaki KH750 Triple - also nicknamed the "Kettle", Suzuki GS750 and the Honda CB750Four were bikes that my older brother and his mates had, while at 16 I blasted around on my Yamaha FS1E and had to work up to the bigger bikes.
Yamaha FS1E - Yup I had the bright yellow version
In the Commercial display area this 1950 Bedford Model K Camper Conversion caught my eye. It was originally in New Zealand and was purchased by a French Couple Nadi & Micheal who saw it while on holiday out there. They brought it back to France & restored it to its present condition. Nadi & Micheal were on a weeks touring holiday in UK and set off North after the show.
A International Roadmaster, 1961 Morris F.G Commercial which was built for Burtons Garage in Gillingham and a Leyland Terrier with a Triumph TR4A sports can on it's back, this even had the original winch and is still being used to take his differnet sports cars to all the shows.
The Kent County Show Ground Heritage Team, Lucy Hegerty, Bernard & Steve Pike have all been very busy since last year and there is a new hard surface area between the two display halls and this is where the tractors were on display.
Ian Bouchard's 1939 Oliver 70 RowCrop with a mid mounted tool bar for digging potatoes

Dave Bonner's 1961 KL Jones 15 Mobile Crane
The KL was the baby in the Jones range. Because of it's compactness it was often used in urban areas and know as the "Street Crane". It could straddle a trench, lifting excavated materials into dumpers and lowering pipes. The large winch drum of the KL15 could hold up to 150 feet of cable and this also allowed it to work at the top of tunnel shafts again lifting out soil and lower materials down to the miners below.
This fully working and unique Jones KL15 was restored by it's owner Dave Bonner, Dave travelled up from the New Forest to give the KL it's first showing since being restored.

While making my way back to the FFA stand I noticed this beautifully restored 1912 Hallford Omnibus.
As you can see from the original photos it started off as a total wreck and needed donor parts and bodies to complete the restoration. The finished restoration is a credit to the time and effort put into it by it's owner.
1912 Hallford made by J.E Hall Ltd from Dartford. It was found at Plumbstead in Easter 1983 and had been used by a fairground family as a caravan many years ago. It was moved back to Dartford August 1983 and the main chassis and steering were worked on. In 1985 a new radiator was cast and bonnet fabrications were completed, next the woodwork was restored and in 1989/90 new stairs were fitted.
Fully Restored
Arriving back at the FFA stand, Wendy Gibson & Linda Vowell were busy serving T's to Our members. Rodney was busy chatting away, selling FFA merchandise and signing up new members. The end of the hall had been set aside for tractors stands, Ford & Fordson Association, Garden of England, Kent Agricultural Club and S.E.V.A.C were all together and the place was busy with people chatting and enjoying the tractors on display.
Our Magic T Ladies Wendy, Linda and Marjorie Cheeseman ( Kent Agricultural Club) enjoyong 5 miniute break. Joan Allen and the Garden Of England Stand and FFA Member Peter Micham telling one of his "famous stories" to John Vowell and a couple of G.O.E members.
Our thanks go out to John Vowell, Des Boughton, Bob Griggs, Rodney Gibson & Ian Town for the use of their tractor for the FFA display.
What a fantastic sight early on the Saturday the morning as Des Boughton & John Vowell arrive at the Heritage Show.
Bob Griggs from Dymchurch displayed his nicely restored 1965 Petrol Ford 2000.
Ian Town & his father Leslie with Ian's 1963 Fordson Super Major.
Our thanks go out to All the FFA members who helped and made the effort to bring their beloved tractors along to the Heritage Show and to display on our FFA Stand. A superb and enjoyable day was had by all. Ernie & Rodney will be back next year and look forward to seeing you all, old & new at our FFA stand at the Kent Heritage Show 2013.

Words & Photos - Ernie

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