Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.

Please email items that you wish to be featured to Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.

Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.

I hope you enjoy reading these In the Chair information pages as it is my way of keeping the Members up to date with what is going on with Your FFA.

At the bottom of this page, you can choose a year and view by month the updates and news for the club. After selecting a year, please choose a month at the top of the page named for example "In The Chair 2012". Or use the navigation on the drop-down from the main menu by hovering over "From The Chair".

FFA Chairman

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