2013 August

Club News by FFA CHairman - Pat Pawsey

Club News - No:9 August 2013


"From the Chair"

Can you Help a Member? 
Paul Nicholls would like to trace a couple of Ford 4000s and a 4600 that he used to drive. Shiffnal Farm Services in Shropshire purchased them new from Reginald Tildesley, the 4000 registration numbers are GNT242N & PUJ752M and the 4600 is BAW417T all are still around according to DVLA.  The 4000’s were painted grey & orange with white cabs though that may not be their present colour, the 4600 was in factory colours.  If anyone knows of their whereabouts would they please contact Paul on 07789904156 as he would like, if possible, to buy one to restore.

This Year’s Expo IX 
Was held at The Welland Steam & Country Rally from 26th to 28th July. Firstly I must thank Graham Skittery and the committee of the Ross-on-Wye Steam Engine Society for inviting us and for the excellent facilities that they provided.  Members attending enjoyed the rally; we had an excellent position and were provided with a marquee that made a great focal point with an interesting selection of tractors grouped around it.

Fordson New Major E1A Enthusiasts’ Manual: 
Many of you will have a Haynes repair manual or probably, like me,  several on the shelf. However the modern motor seems to be designed so that much of it is unserviceable; at least without a computer and various very expensive bits of kit, I suspect that this has resulted in falling sales of repair manuals.  Anyway a copy of ‘Fordson New Major E1A Enthusiasts’ Manual’ arrived in my post, it is in hard back book, costing £21-99 with 164 pages, split into ten sections covering the tractor’s birth, development, conversions, implements and much else.  It is well illustrated with a mixture of both contemporary and modern photographs together with numerous tables.  I found a few errors in the text but these are mostly minor and more interestingly a number of things that I didn’t know, all in all a very welcome addition to my bookshelf.
Annie Chapman’s “Pink Ladies Road Run” 
This year was the tenth anniversary of this very worthwhile event that has raised well over £350.000 for research into breast cancer. This is an example of the generosity and goodwill of people interested in our hobby Do have a look at their web site www.ladiestractorroadrun.co.uk it is a ladies only event so come on chaps either get your own girl to enter or sponsor someone’s else’s it’s all for a very good cause. Incidentally our Treasurer again took part as she always does and very fetching she looks too as Penelope Pitstop if I may say so. 
It’s Showtime:
This is a new event for the Club held at Purleigh in Essex, Conrad Hopkins hosted the FFA stand which won the prize for the best stand, there were some 30 acres for members to practice or just play on, a very worthwhile event for members who want to actually use their tractors.  Conrad has written a very full report with photographs that you can find on our website; I’m afraid that there is not enough space to include it here.

Henham Steam Rally 21st and 22nd September:

This year’s pageant is ….“History of Power on the Farm.  For centuries men and their horses were the only source of power on the farm but how we got to where we are today is the story of our new pageant. We’ll illustrate it with the machines that brought about this revolution.”… and I’m proud to say that the FFA is again involved this year, the organisers have generously again provided us with a marque and we hope to see you there.
The Club’s Annual General Meeting: 
As the Club is now totally independent the constitution needs to be amended.  The committee will prepare a new constitution for members to consider at the AGM, this is an important document and will be sent to those attending prior to the meeting and will be available to view on the web site, so that all members can give their views.

Committee members are elected at the AGM. Anyone co-opted during the year has to be elected at the next AGM if they are to continue to serve, if elected the term is for three years. We are looking for committee members who will give active support to members.  Make no mistake there are no perks, little kudos and plenty of hard work for anyone wishing to stand, I’m not trying to put anyone off, just telling it as it is – the positive side is that you will be working with some good people and make lasting friendships; that makes it all worthwhile in my book.

PS we are still seeking to appoint a Secretary, recognising Rob Rushen-Smith’s notice of 12 months ago.

Some Reminders for your Diaries:

2013 Southern Area Ploughing Championships: 
Will be held over the weekend of 5th and 6th October at Hall Farm, Fornham St Martin, Bury St Edmunds as last year. 
This is by kind invitation of the Ferguson Club and my thanks, in particular, to Henry Castle and his committee who made us so very welcome last year, it is an excellent site. 
I went as a spectator last year and found it really interesting, I intend to take a plough myself this time, I’ve pulled it out of the nettles and just need to get everything freed off. 
Contact Conrad Hopkins on 01621 773592
Will be on 14th and 15th September we are hoping to have a small stand and some members tractors there, but as those who have been will know the area set aside for tractors is limited. 

63rd British National Ploughing Championships

Llanwarne, near Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 8JH
12th & 13th October 2013

Read more ...2013 August

  • Hits: 877

2013 April

Club News by FFA CHairman - Pat Pawsey

Club News - No:7 April 2013

"From The Chair"

The Ford & Fordson Association’s Expo IX at Welland: 26th - 28th July 2013

This is a splendid venue for our ninth annual club gathering and  any member interested in attending please contact me on 01787 277316 for entry forms (these are only available from me). 

I have had numerous enquiries already so we should have a fine club display. This is a very good rally with plenty to interest everyone as well as H J Pugh’s well established auction. Also the place to find the part you always wanted but probably not at the right price!
We are also planning a few surprises in and around the marquee that should interest members and rally goers alike. We are hoping to have a fascinating model display, show films and, of course, the ubiquitous cup of tea will be to hand.

Many committee members will be there and this is Margaret and Derek’s home territory and they will look forward to welcoming you in their customary manner.

Tractor World – Malvern 2nd and 3rd March:

This, the first show of the year, got the season off to a cracking start.  It may have been because last year was such a washout or because Mark Woodward, who has taken over running the show, has started to change the format or because it was a little warmer and quite a bit drier than last year, but there seemed to be more people about.
The Club stand was very busy on both days with a record number of memberships signed up and a brisk trade in merchandise.  But it is the social side that really matters and that is, after all what the Club is all about. 
A constant stream of members arrived at the stand, wanting information or just a chat and, of course, a welcome cup of tea and a seat. None of us are getting any younger and, speaking for myself, I need to be able to take the weight off the legs from time to time.
Andrew Gould our new Dorset representative and his partner Charlotte visited us and were introduced to the committee members on the stand.  Andrew has been a member of his local young farmers for a number of years comes from farming stock and has some great ideas to promote the Club in his area.  I’m sure that we shall hear a lot more from him in the near future.
I have to say that there was not enough space allocated for all the Fordson tractors entered, and I personally apologise to any Club member who was inconvenienced.  However I have learnt from my mistakes and this will not happen next year.
My thanks to all the committee and other members who helped set up and man the stand, answer questions both from members and the general public and serve endless cups of tea etc.  In particular I must single out the ladies Margaret, Jane and Wendy for special thanks as they tirelessly manned the stall when there were man things to do like the auction and the jumble and were frequently left to their own devices.
It was a great show, with tractors of all shapes sizes and conditions to see.  Wandering round one can decide if the ‘working clothes’ or ‘concourse’ is your type of machine; or do you like a Ford truck engine grafted into an E27N or a P6 into an E1A?  They were all there, you must do what you will with your tractor, paint it whatever colour you want, it is your choice and you will love it.

Eastern Counties Vintage Tractor & Heritage Spectacular Norwich  20 & 21April: 

This was the second year for this event and it really is something very special.  There are tractors exhibited here that you have probably only ever seen in photographs, like the Ford Model B shown here.  The FFA stand was busy and a fuller report will be in the next magazine.

Introducing Andrew Gould the FFA Representative for Dorset:

I asked Andrew at Tractor World to write a piece about himself as an introduction to members, he writes:-
I am 24 and work on my family farm with my father and grandfather where we have a herd of 160 British Friesian dairy cows.
I also run a small contracting business specialising in small baling. We own 7 tractors all being blue ranging from a Fordson Power Major (which was bought brand new by my grandfather in 1960) up to the modern T6000 range as well as running a Claas self propelled forager with a close friend.
I have great memories of riding around on the tractors with dad from a young age, which is probably where my interest in tractors came from especially Fords. I enjoy restoring and carrying out repairs on my tractors and all the old machinery that I have collected.
I was also chairman of my local young farmers club 2 years ago. I can be contacted any time on my mobile number 07824994308 or by E-mail on Andrew Gould

FFA Members welcome 27th July:

For those of you who will be too busy to spare three days for Expo IX, Andrew will be at the “Vintage Vehicle Rally and Fun Day” which will take place on the 27 July 2013 at
The Udder Farm Shop, Manor Farm, East Stour SP8 5LQ. 
It is the third year for the show which is run by Tony Fowler and Suzanne Smith.
They will be raising funds for Charities, the Salisbury Hospice and CLIC Sargent and there is an evening road run.
Entry details can be obtained from Tony by phone 01747838925 or Email: Tony Fowler 
Andrew also intends to visit us at Expo IX so hopefully you can catch up with him there.

My Petrol Industrial Super Major:

The last two magazines have mentioned this tractor and it was also featured under ‘Show Stars’ in the ‘Spring’ issue of Tractor & Machinery written by Bernard Holloway so it is now perhaps time to say a little more about it.. . . . . . . . .  
I first saw her at Cheffins monthly machinery sale last October, the knowledgeable gentlemen gently kicking her tyres were all of the opinion that she just wasn’t right and although the auctioneer tried manfully and supposedly received a bid just short of £2000, she was unsold; I was watching closely but don’t believe anyone actually bid at all. 
I had my little book in my pocket and checked the casting and serial numbers which were all of a piece, I confess that I thought that Ford had ceased making spark ignition engines by 1961 so, being of a cautious nature made a ‘phone call or two that evening.  The upshot was she was exactly, using the modern parlance ‘as described on the tin’ so the next day I spoke to Paul Gooderham and made an offer to the vendor, I’m pleased to say that it was accepted.

Under great disscusion at 2012 AGM in Kent

Now we come to the sad bit, when I bought her I had no history and there was no number plate so I contacted Tony Patten, the Clubs registration officer.  He supplied me with the necessary paperwork and I duly applied for an age related registration number, nothing unusual in that until the DVLA recognised, by the serial number, that she was already registered. 
To cut a long story short I was then able to speak to the last registered ‘keeper’ Mr Johnson, who very kindly put me in touch with Gareth Morgan who had sold it to him, both went out of their way to be helpful, for which I thank them.  It transpires that she was sold at H J Pugh’s auction at Tractor World in 2012, at that time the Stothert & Pitt badge was still on the cowl, the logbook was with her, and the rear lights riveted to the bottom of the wings  – all now gone, the bonnet has been swapped, as have the wings.  It really is such a pity to desecrate a tractor in this way it was all part of its history, in the art world its called provenance but, to me, their removal is vandalism, particularly as she is quite a rare beast.
I still haven’t got the old girl running as I would like but shall in the end; Gareth tells me that she has a real turn of speed, I’ll keep you posted.

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs:

The FFA joined the FBHVC last year and I see that they have produced two very interesting reports on the economic impact of the Beaulieu International Autojumble and the Goodwood Revival in conjunction with the University of Brighton.  Frankly I was staggered by the amount of money generated that benefits both the local and the wider economy, a summary of the headline figurers from the reports are produced below; my thanks to the Federation and the University for allowing their reproduction here.
As many of you will know from first hand experience Beaulieu has grown into an international three day event starting with its inception in 1967 when it was held on 17th September between 11am and 5pm.
The report’s Beaulieu summary: 
· Brings nearly £3 million business to the local economy
· Generates 11,000 person nights in local hotels & guest houses
· Provides direct temporary employment for over 220
· Is responsible for £11 million turnover for the national economy
· Contributes at least £570,000 in VAT government revenue
The Goodwood Revival may not be quite so well known to you.  The first was held between 18th and 20th September 1998.
Fifty years to the day after the first race meeting was held there that also, incidentally gave a 19 year old Stirling Moss both his first motor race and his first win. 
The event was held over three days and is built around a race meeting for historic cars and motorcycles no modern vehicles with the exception of emergency services are allowed within the circuit’s perimeter.
Goodwood Revival’s summary:
· Bought at least £12 million to the economy of the study area.
· Generated 23,000 person nights accommodation for
local hotels and guest houses,
· Provided direct temporary employment to over 350.
·Caused a further 25,000 person nights for hotels & guest houses outside the study area.
· Was responsible for £32 million turnover for the national economy net of VAT.
· Contributed £4 million in VAT to government revenue.
Both reports are available in full from the FBHVC website htpp://www.fbhvc,co.uk together with other interesting material and is well worth visiting.  It just shows how much money is generated by our and similar hobbies for the economy at large and although these two reports cover commercial enterprises a lot of money is raised tractor clubs and preservation societies for charity.

Read more ...2013 April

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2012 December

Club News - No:6 December 2012

Club News - No:6 December 2012
"From The Chair"
Newark Vintage Tractor & Heritage Show:

Those of you who visited us liked our new marquee and it was even pleasant enough to sit outside with a cup of tea at times - not bad for November. Many members' tractors were in the Feature marquee and elsewhere rather than on the FFA stand however the prize shelf was not bare as Margaret Badham won 'The best tractor entered by a lady' with her lovely little 1942 Fordson N industrial.

Tony Patten our DVLA Registrar:

Tony Patten has been doing an excellent job for us, as those who have used his services will vouch.  He has helped me with a couple and the last one I spent only ten minutes in the local DVLA office including waiting time - is this a record? . The bad news is that due to the rising costs, mostly of postage, Tony regretfully has to increase his charges by a very modest £1.00. I am sorry to have to announce this increase but it is still excellent value for money.

Some Forthcoming Events for 2013:

You will all be planning which shows you are going to attend this year and I must mention a few that deserve serious consideration.

Tractor World 2nd & 3rd March:

The season gets off to a cracking start with Tractor World at Malvern, you have probably read that Kelsey have franchised the running of this to Mark Woodward - "Concentrating on Their Core Business" is what I believe it is called in modern business speak. He tells me that he has lots of new ideas so the layout will be changed.  It had got a bit tired recently so a new broom is no bad thing.  Looking at his list of events it is plain that Mark is seriously into 'Autojumbles' so that could really add an interesting dimension.
All those who have put on their entry forms that they will be placing their tractors with us will receive a laminated 'Log Sheet' for their tractor when they arrive.  If you forgot to specify that you want to be with us please letThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Keith Broomhall know he can be contacted on 01379 677866 (after 8.00 p.m.).  If he is out leave a message but do give your entry and contact details.

Eastern Counties Vintage Tractor & Heritage Spectacular 20th & 21st April:
The show had its debut last year and was a great success. I gather that there will be major improvements to the layout this year and that one idea is to put tractors of the same make together rather than artificially separate them by 'Clubs'. I have to say this makes sense to me as the paying public are interested in the tractors not petty politics! This does not mean that we shall not have a stand, we will and members will, as always, be very welcome to come and have a chat, a cup of tea and a seat .

The show was very well attended last year and the Pre-1930's tractor section was simply not to be missed. Once again put Ford & Fordson on your entry sheet and we will bring a laminated 'Log Sheet' for you.
Please let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know, he can be contacted on 01379 677866 (after 8.00 p.m.). If he is out leave a message but do give your entry and contact details.

Yorkshire Vintage Association Show - Newby Hall & Gardens 8th & 9th June:

This is a splendid site and Roger Ingham, the FFA ploughing director, together with our stalwarts Derek & Margaret Badham will be manning the FFA stand there, the theme is Ford & Fordson tractors and Ransomes ploughs.  Many of you will remember our Expo held in 2007 on this site, which was a huge success.  I know that some of our more 'Northern' members complain that we don't do anything North of Watford but that just isn't true, as you will see next years AGM is near York; so get your Newby Hall entries in early and enjoy. Details fromThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Roger Ingham on 01937531532 or from the website in due time.

FMPS Rally at Long Melford 6th & 7th July:

Just a reminder for those that have not been to this one yet, it will be our third year with an FFA stand. The number of members attending grows each year and we have again been promised our own ring parade.  This is personally one of my favourite rallies.  By the way it no longer clashes with Annie Chapman's 'Pink Ladies' run.

FFA Expo IX 2013 to be held at Welland Steam & Country Rally on 26th, 27th & 28th July:

This years Expo IX will be held at Welland. There was a report in last months magazine, it is a splendid rally so if you don't normally go give it a try. There will be more about this in the next magazine.

The Club's 2013 AGM:

It is always difficult to find a suitable venue as the distance members have to travel is obviously a major factor determining their attendance.  Your Committee always tries to find somewhere with an interesting display or some other attraction of interest to members.  This has to be coupled with an affordable cost for the venue and catering, together with reasonable access - not easy, as I'm sure you will agree.  The only practical way is to move the venue around the country and we have held them in the South for arguably too long, so this year we are going to 'The Yorkshire Museum of Farming" at Murton near York.
The date will be 27th October, put a note in your new diaries now!  I'm told that it is a fascinating venue and why not make a weekend of it, there are lots of other attractions in the area not least The National Railway Museum in York.

Read more ...2012 December

  • Hits: 853

2012 August

Club News No. 1 - 20th February 2012

Club News No:5 - August 2012

As announced in the last magazine the AGM will be held on Sunday 21st October at the Bredgar & Wormshill light railway in Kent. The ticket price including lunch & train rides is £12. As usual members are invited to bring their tractors, please contact RODNEY GIBSON on Landline 01795841775 or Mobile 07850788347 and let him know what tractors you are bringing.

View our AGM website page for more details.

Show Roundup:

The weather has been a real problem for rally organisers and exhibitors alike and several shows have been cancelled or curtailed. The Club has had a stand at three rallies in East Anglia over the last couple of months and it has been good to have a chat with so many of you; committee members do take note of your views.

Long Melford:

The first was The Farm Machinery Preservation Society's rally at Long Melford on 7th and 8th July.The rally is held on land behind Melford Hall, a really idyllic setting. Last year was the club's first attendance and the weather was gorgeous; but this year what a difference.. . View website to read more


The next FFA event was our EXPO VIII at Swavesey, this is a relatively new rally just off the A14 West of Cambridge. The week had been wet and frankly I feared another cancellation, but this was not to be. Ray and Vander Parcell held their nerve and the event went ahead, the site drying up as the weekend progressed.. . . .

Next year's EXPO is scheduled to be at the Welland rally; I attended the rally for the first time last year and can thoroughly recommend it.

Ploughing News:

Southern Area Ploughing Championships
To be held on Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th October 2012
at Ingham, nr. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. IP31 1SL
With kind permission of Land Owner Mr. Andrew Long &
Mr. Henry Castel who is organising a
Ploughing match for the East Anglian Freguson Club
and allowing the FFA to hold it's
2012 Southern Area Ploughing Championships
also at this event.

All FFA Members Welcome

The Saturday 6th October will be for practice and setting up with the Championship on Sunday 7th October.
The Classes will be Vintage Trailed, Vintage Mounted,and Classic.
For more details contact
Henry Castel on 01284 728422 before 8:30pm

Northern Area Championships
To be held on Sunday 4th November 2012
at Saxton, nr.Tadcaster with kind permission of Mr. R Bayston
3 Classes: Vintage Trailer, Vintage Mounted & Classic
This is a New Club Championship for the Northern Area.

No Qualifying Needed - Just come along and compete
All FFA Members Welcome

For more Information & Entry Forms contact:
Roger Ingham: Landline on 01937 531532 or
Mobile on 07910 272757.

Newark Vintage Tractor Show:
This is the 10th show and is held on 10 & 11th November right at the end of the season. This years theme is 'Perkins Derivatives' that will prove interesting. We will again have a marquee and members wishing to bring exhibits to show outside will be most welcome. Entries close on 28th September Email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 'phone 01636 705796. I hope to see you there.

And Finally:

An East Anglian Tale from Natel Taylor:
The Woolpit Steam Rally was held on the weekend of 26 /27th May. There was, as always, a good selection of Fordson tractors together with some other really interesting 'Old Iron'. I must say that this rally never disappoints and is one of the friendliest ones that I go to.

On the Friday evening I was in a group chewing the fat and one of the steam men, Natel Taylor, who rescued a derelict 1916 Wallis & Steevens engine named Faith from near Lavenham.

I well remember her forlornly standing by the roadside just over the railway bridge in the late 50's, told a story of particular interest. It is impressive to note that he has now owned and cherished 'Faith' for nearly half her life; this surely must be a record.

It transpires that in the early 50's his father; F Taylor (Fred) was about to become manager of Rectory Farm Tostock for Group Captain Pearson-Rogers. At his interview he was asked what tractor he would like, his reply was that for the ploughing he reckoned a County crawler would be ideal. The Group Captain agreed to this and said that he would negotiate the purchase himself.

Prior to starting Fred visited the farm taking Natel along and whilst business was being transacted, the Group Captain suggested that Natel might like to inspect the new crawler that was safely garaged in a barn. Imagine his surprise when he found an E27N County fitted with a Perkins P6 engine painted 'powder blue' inside! On further inspection he found welding repairs to the track plates, grease nipples missing from the rear axle in other words a second-hand tractor.

He promptly went to inform his father and you can just imagine the embarrassment. There is dad talking to his new employer and son saying that the brand new crawler isn't new at all. I gather a bit of 'shushing' went on but Natel rightly stuck to his guns and the three trooped into the barn to survey the evidence. There stood the County that should have been dark empire blue painted light blue and was on inspection obviously not new.

The Group Captain was aghast, he was a magistrate and did not wish to invoke the law so he asked Natel's father to sort it out. Fred wrote to Counties giving the serial number of the tractor and asking for details and when it was built. The reply stated that the crawler was indeed one of theirs but had left the factory as a petrol paraffin tractor a couple of years earlier.

The next morning armed with this letter the intrepid pair set off to visit the dealer from whom the tractor had been purchased. On arriving at Whitlock's yard in Gt. Yeldham they entered the offices and asked to speak to Mr Whitlock. His secretary said that he saw no one without an appointment, so having established which was his office they knocked on the door despite his secretary's protests and entered uninvited. Mr Whitlock protested that no one could just walk into his office without an appointment but Natel's father was not to be browbeaten and said simple that the County they had been sold as a brand spanking new one was in fact a second hand tractor. Whitlock said that was absolute nonsense so the letter was produced, Natel tells me that on reading the letter there was a dramatic change in attitude. Mr Whitlock then asked what was wanted and was told that a new six speed County was required straight away and if court proceedings were to be avoided a new four furrow plough to go with it without any charge, Whitlock agreed to this.

The pair returned home and that afternoon the telephone rang and they were told that a County was available at Man Egerton's Kesgrave depot. They duly went over and inspected a brand new County built on a Fordson E1A that was accepted as a replacement and was duly delivered the following day. Natel subsequently collected the 'free' plough that was Ransoms 4 furrow Mowtrac from Wasp at Cockfield towing it back to Tostock with a petrol Ferguson shortly afterwards.

Of course many of you will know of the Whitlock business better in relation to the manufacture of farm trailers and loading shovels and 'Dinkum' diggers produced at Gt Yeldham followed by both Whitlock diggers and later the world renowned Hy-Mac range. I found this a fascinating glimpse from the past and am indebted to Natel for both recounting it to me and allowing its publication.
More details on these rally's and many, many more view
our Shows & Events section of the website.

Read more ...2012 August

  • Hits: 861

2012 July

Club News No. 4 - July 2012

Club News No. 4 - July 2012

"From the Chair"
As announced in the last magazine the AGM will be held on Sunday 21st October at the Bredgar & Wormshill  light railway in Kent.  The ticket price including lunch & train rides is £12. As usual members are invited to bring their tractors, please contact RODNEY GIBSON on Landline 01795841775 or Mobile 07850788347 and let him know what tractors you are bringing.
View our AGM website page for more details.
Show Roundup:
The weather has been a real problem for rally organisers and exhibitors alike and several shows have been cancelled or curtailed.  The Club has had a stand at three rallies in East Anglia over the last couple of months and it has been good to have a chat with so many of you; committee members do take note of your views.
The first was The Farm Machinery Preservation Society's rally at Long Melford on 7th and 8th July.The rally is held on land behind Melford Hall, a really idyllic setting.  Last year was the club's first attendance and the weather was gorgeous; but this year what a difference; the first day, after rain the previous two nights, turned out well but on Saturday night even ducks needed to take cover!
The Club had its own parade on Saturday; the photographs of this and the FFA display are courtesy of Trevor Burch. It must have been a heart breaking decision for the committee but the show was cancelled before opening on the Sunday morning.
Sunday was spent pulling exhibitors off the site and FFA members played their part. Such a pity as this is one of my favourite rallies, my sympathy goes to the organisers.
The next FFA event was our EXPO VIII at Swavesey, this is a relatively new rally just off the A14 West of Cambridge. The week had been wet and frankly I feared another cancellation, but this was not to be. Ray and Vander Parcell held their nerve and the event went ahead, the site drying up as the weekend progressed. We had a marquee provided by the organisers, and an interesting turn out of members' tractors.  The Club again had its own parade which was ably compared by our past Chairman Peter Godwin.
  Next year's EXPO is scheduled to be at the Welland rally; I attended the rally for the first time last year and can thoroughly recommend it.
Ploughing News:
Southern Area Ploughing Championships
To be held on Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th October 2012
at Ingham, nr. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. IP31 1SL
With kind permission of Land Owner Mr. Andrew Long &
Mr. Henry Castel who is organising a
Ploughing match for the East Anglian Freguson Club
and allowing the FFA to hold it's
2012 Southern Area Ploughing Championships
also at this event.
All FFA Members Welcome
The Saturday 6th October will be for practice and setting up with the Championship on Sunday 7th October.
The Classes will be Vintage Trailed, Vintage Mounted,and Classic.
For more details contact
Henry Castel on 01284 728422 before 8:30pm
Northern Area Championships
To be held on Sunday 4th November 2012
at Saxton, nr.Tadcaster with kind permission of Mr. R Bayston
3 Classes: Vintage Trailer, Vintage Mounted & Classic
This is a New Club Championship for the Northern Area.
No Qualifying Needed - Just come along and compete
All FFA Members Welcome
For more Information & Entry Forms contact:
Roger Ingham: Landline on 01937 531532 or
Mobile on 07910 272757.
More information view our 2012 Ploughing section of our website
Newark Vintage Tractor Show:
This is the 10th show and is held on 10 & 11th November right at the end of the season.  This years theme is 'Perkins Derivatives' that will prove interesting.  We will again have a marquee and members wishing to bring exhibits to show outside will be most welcome. Entries close on 28th September Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or 'phone 01636 705796.  I hope to see you there.
And Finally:
An East Anglian Tale from Natel Taylor:
The Woolpit Steam Rally was held on the weekend of 26 /27th May. There was, as always, a good selection of Fordson tractors together with some other really interesting 'Old Iron'.  I must say that this rally never disappoints and is one of the friendliest ones that I go to. 
On the Friday evening I was in a group chewing the fat and one of the steam men, Natel Taylor, who rescued a derelict 1916 Wallis & Steevens engine named Faith from near Lavenham.
I well remember her forlornly standing by the roadside just over the railway bridge in the late 50's, told a story of particular interest. It is impressive to note that he has now owned and cherished  'Faith' for nearly half her life; this surely must be a record.
It transpires that in the early 50's his father; F Taylor (Fred) was about to become manager of Rectory Farm Tostock for Group Captain Pearson-Rogers.  At his interview he was asked what tractor he would like, his reply was that for the ploughing he reckoned a County crawler would be ideal.  The Group Captain agreed to this and said that he would negotiate the purchase himself.
Prior to starting Fred visited the farm taking Natel along and whilst business was being transacted, the Group Captain suggested that Natel might like to inspect the new crawler that was safely garaged in a barn. Imagine his surprise when he found an E27N County fitted with a Perkins P6 engine painted 'powder blue' inside!  On further inspection he found welding repairs to the track plates, grease nipples missing from the rear axle in other words a second-hand tractor. 
He promptly went to inform his father and you can just imagine the embarrassment.  There is dad talking to his new employer and son saying that the brand new crawler isn't new at all. I gather a bit of 'shushing' went on but Natel rightly stuck to his guns and the three trooped into the barn to survey the evidence.  There stood the County that should have been dark empire blue painted light blue and was on inspection obviously not new.
The Group Captain was aghast, he was a magistrate and did not wish to invoke the law so he asked Natel's father to sort it out.  Fred wrote to Counties giving the serial number of the tractor and asking for details and when it was built.  The reply stated that the crawler was indeed one of theirs but had left the factory as a petrol paraffin tractor a couple of years earlier. 
The next morning armed with this letter the intrepid pair set off to visit the dealer from whom the tractor had been purchased. On arriving at Whitlock's yard in Gt. Yeldham they entered the offices and asked to speak to Mr Whitlock.  His secretary said that he saw no one without an appointment, so having established which was his office they knocked on the door despite his secretary's protests and entered uninvited.  Mr Whitlock protested that no one could just walk into his office without an appointment but Natel's father was not to be browbeaten and said simple that the County they had been sold as a brand spanking new one was in fact a second hand tractor.  Whitlock said that was absolute nonsense so the letter was produced, Natel tells me that on reading the letter there was a dramatic change in attitude.  Mr Whitlock then asked what was wanted and was told that a new six speed County was required straight away and if court proceedings were to be avoided a new four furrow plough to go with it without any charge, Whitlock agreed to this.
The pair returned home and that afternoon the telephone rang and they were told that a County was available at Man Egerton's  Kesgrave depot. They duly went over  and inspected a brand new County built on a Fordson E1A that was accepted as a replacement and was duly delivered the following day.  Natel subsequently collected the 'free' plough that was Ransoms 4 furrow Mowtrac from Wasp at Cockfield towing it back to Tostock with a petrol Ferguson shortly afterwards.
Of course many of you will know of the Whitlock business better in relation to the manufacture of farm trailers and loading shovels and 'Dinkum' diggers produced at Gt Yeldham followed by both Whitlock diggers and later the world renowned Hy-Mac range.  I found this a fascinating glimpse from the past and am indebted to Natel for both recounting it to me and allowing its publication.

Read more ...2012 July

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2012 May

Club News No. 3 – 1st May 2012

Club News No. 3 – 1st May 2012

The season has got off to a cracking start, since Tractor World the Club shared a building with the Tivetshall Old Ram Tractor Club at The Eastern Counties Tractor and Heritage Spectacular,the show turned out to be a huge success particularly for a debut event and it looks set to become a permanent fixture in your diaries.
At the same time the Kent Heritage Show was held, unfortunately one can only be in one place at a time. You will find a breif report of both of these events below. For full reports & photos of these shows, go to the 2012 shows section of our website.
Several of our FFA Area Reps have sent information about themselves or events that they will be attending and proudly waving the FFA flag, so do go along and see them. I should be pleased to hear from any member who would like to air matters of interest relating to our hobby. So please contact me preferably by email or post and I will do my best.
Email: Pat Pawsey
By Post: P.Pawsey (FFA Chairman), Upper Farm, Ovington, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 8LD
Introducing Kenneth & David Ford who are FFA Area Reps. for Gloucestershire and Wiltshire: 
Firstly some background to our life with Ford and Fordson Tractors, you may say that they are 'in the blood.' Ken and I can remember being told by our father about the work that he had done, ploughing and general farm work when he had a new Fordson major in the early 1950's.
A dealer that is no more, called Victory Motors of Cheltenham supplied this tractor new. Several years later he had a new Power major form the same firm that he drove until November 1961 when he left farming. He them moved to Tetbury where he worked for Blanch Lely of Crudwell for many years.
About ten years after that Ken and I started helping out on a local smallholding of 31 acres where we learnt to drive an International tractor, at that time we used to borrow a Ford 2000 for haymaking from a neighbour also another 2000 which was fitted with a SteelFab Horndraulic loader up until 1979 when at a local farm sale he bought a 1965 Ford Super Dexta 3000 also fitted with a loader the registration was EDF771C I wonder if this still is around? 
In 1986 due to a change in farming policy we left. Since then the list of tractors including our own includes Ford 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000's together with some newer 600 and 10 series.  In mid June 2008 we took over from Julian K Smith who was the rep for Gloucestershire, since then we have taken over Wiltshire as we only live 2 miles from the Wiltshire Border.
Words by Kenneth & David Ford
Brothers Kenneth Ford and David Ford tell me that they will be attending all the shows below, full details of which are on this site in the SHOWS & EVENTS section, and would be pleased to meet members old and new. Why not go along and meet them better still take a tractor as well and join in the fun.
June 9th and 10th Wiltshire steam Rally Oare Nr Marlborough,SN8 4HZ.
June 16 & 17th Lister Tyndale Steam Rally at North Nibley,GL13 9QL.
June 23rd and 24th Banbury Steam Rally at Bloxham,OX15 4HD
July 21st and 22nd West Oxon Steam Rally, Ducklington,nr Witney,
      Oxon,OX29 7YL
August 3rd, 4th, & 5th Stroud vintage transport rally at South Cerney, GL7 5QD. (Gloucestershire Steam Extravaganza) They are having a Ford and Fordson Weekend all welcome
August 18 & 19th Fairford Steam Rally, Fairford GL7 4LG
The National Vintage Tractor Road Run 2012:
Living in Norfolk we never seem very near to the NVTRR venue, that is except for 2010, when we hosted it, and this year was no exception.
My old Ford Cargo was relegated from front line duties and a modern Volvo FH12 was hired to transport the TIVETSHALL OLD RAM TRACTOR CLUB away team the 350 miles to the 2012 venue at Kirkbride, West of Carlisle.
Two tractors length ways and four smaller ones crossways made up the load, however, I must admit there were no blue ones!
Arriving at the venue, Kirkbride Airfield, on Saturday morning, the sight of acres of hardstanding was wonderful, trucks and grassy fields don't' mix.
Once unloaded the tractors were then parked in the customary lines to await the start on Sunday. . . . . . . View website for Full Report & Photos
Kent Heritage Show:
Kent Heritage Show - Kent County Show Ground, held at The Kent County Show Ground, Maidstone, Kent on Saturday 31st March 2012 and organised by The Kent Agricultural Society. The show grows every year, this year there were about a third more Tractor, Vehicle & Commercial exhibitors here and just over 5,000 visitors to the show.
The main Themes for this years show were Maidstone & District and East Kent Bus Company Club celebrating its Diamond Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the MGB Roadster and the Massey Ferguson 35X as well as celebrating 100 years of AEC buses.
Free vintage bus rides with stops positioned around the showground, were a fantastic sight to see, there was even a period dressed conductor who rang the bell when all were aboard. .  View website for Full Report & Photos
My thanks to Ernie our website wizard for this report and pictures.  This is an abridged version, the whole report with many interesting pictures can be found on the website.
The Eastern Counties Vintage Tractor & Heritage Spectacular:
The Eastern Counties Vintage Tractor & Heritage Spectacular is a new show to arrive on the vintage calendar and was held on the 31st March/1st April 2012 at the Norfolk Showground.
The FFA attended with the stand being manned by a joint Norfolk and
Suffolk combination of your committee. Our customary hospitality was dispensed, many beverages and biscuits were consumed and members were able to sit a while and engage in tractor chats.
Members provided a varied selection of Ford/Fordson models, however E27N's did seem to dominate. There were awards for the judge's favourite tractor in each make . . . . . . View website for Full Report & Photos
FFA - Devon Area:
Andrew Green Writes: The Devon branch of the FFA had a fascinating evening at Whiddon Down on 24th February when we were very fortunate to have Peter Love / FFT Editor to come & speak to us.
It was decided to attend as many Shows as possible & I will fly the flag at the following events :-
Devon County Show - 17th to 19th May
Mid Devon Show - 28th July              
North Devon Show - 1st August          
Honiton Show - 2nd August         
Okehampton Show - 9th August
I would like to see as many as possible of you please to keep me company. It's good fun, you meet some interesting people & you also get free entry!
I would like to invite you to bring a tractor, stationary engine, motorcycle or vintage car to my own village Fete of Coldridge in Mid Devon on 14th July. I do have an entry form if you are interested!  Please do get in touch.
If you would like to attend one of your own local events & you would like to borrow our own FFA banners & displays to help promote the FFA, please do contact me so that we can arrange this.
Finally, I must repeat my plea for contact information for members who have not yet been in touch. Communication by post is no longer possible. I want to hear from you PLEASE! Follow our Devon activities on www.ffadevon.co.uk or contact me on 01363-83791 or 0780-903-1177 or email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you personally don't have an email address, you most probably have family or friends that do & could receive messages for you. So, please do get in touch.
Other Rallies & Events:
Margaret and Derek will be attending both Newby Hall and Welland on the Club's behalf. 
Its time to get your entries in for this years Expo VIII at Swavesey, all are welcome but remember the theme is Jubilee tractors so if you have one please do bring it. View our website Expo VIII section or click Expo VIII logo at top of this Newsletter page for more details. You can download / print the Entry Forms here aswell.
The closing date for entries to the FMPS rally at Long Melford is 30th May I shall be there, bring your tractor and have it on the FFA stand, remember to mark your form FFA.
I have booked to go on the P & J Tour's trip to Basildon it is very reasonably priced and I am looking forward to meeting some of you there.
Well I think that's quite enough for now, so it's back to my shed where I've nearly got my Nuffield back together, heresay you may say but I think that  'a change is as good as a rest'.

Read more ...2012 May

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