2012 March

Club News No. 2 – 26th March 2012

Club News No 2. – 26th March 2012

Tractor World:

Malvern has been and gone, it is an excellent opener to the season and was nowhere as cold as last year but wetter. Perhaps the auction is getting a bit overpowering and I felt that the Old Sod’s sort out was a bit of a damp squib.

The stand was busy and my thanks to Margaret and Derek, Jane and Keith, Wendy and Rodney and my wife Sue for their hard work. It was good to see so many of you, have a chat, a cup of tea, renew old friendships and make new ones. Thank you one and all.

Contributions to Club News:

Last month I asked for contributions as this is a new feature to our website. It is your Club and members need to know what is happening in your part of the world. Unless you take the trouble to tell us what you are up to in your area we are all missing out. Come on; you can use email, the telephone or snail mail but let us know and we will publicise it.

Cheffins 12th March:
The 5a section which is of most interest to members was rather disappointing this time as it had only a few DX series, mostly 3000 tractors that did not ‘fill the eye’and one super major that looked tidy.

Bullet Points of the last meeting, held on 11th February:
The meeting commenced with a presentation by David Castel (Chairman) The Cambridgeshire Steam Rally & Country Fayre, together with Vanda Parcell (Secretary) and Ray her husband regarding this year’s FFA Expo VIIII at Swavesey. Please see this site and the magazine for details and entry forms.

The committee meeting then commenced:

  • Roger Ingham had offered his resignation due to ill health. He has made a valuable contribution
    to the Association as Director of Ploughing and our thanks to him were recorded.
  • Possible sites for this year’s AGM venue were put forward. However if any members have suggestions for a suitable venue please contact me a.s.a.p.
  • Area Reps - a current list was requested and all Reps are to be contacted shortly. The subject of expenses for Reps was raised but as committee members do not claim expenses and funds are limited, the matter was deferred.
  • The 2011Newark Vintage Tractor & Heritage Show had been a success and this year’s attendance was discussed.
  • The Chairman reported that there had had been a positive meeting with Kelsey on 14th December, instigated by PL, with Phil Weeden, Kelsey’s Editorial Director. Simon Smart and Rodney Gibson had accompanied him.
  • Treasurer’s report: Jane Broomhall who has taken over from Bob Duke reported that we had received 167 memberships since Malvern 2011.
  • This was followed by a discussion of upcoming shows were FFA would be present, these will be listed on the website.
  • The F.F.A merchandising will now be run by Rodney and Wendy Gibson supported by Ernie.
  • Ernie has created a splendid website receiving some 2000 ‘hits’ a month.

Members Sale Area:
As part of our service to members a sale area is soon to be added to the website.This will allow members to advertise almost any item for the very modest charge of £5 for two months regardless of the number of items advertised. Ernie will, of course, have complete discretion as to the acceptance of any advertisements.

Old 20 Parts Company:
Nick Battelle is limiting his 15% discount to FFA members to Ford /Fordson parts only. Actually this is fair because it applies to both Ferguson and Allis Chalmers Clubs as well. I don’t know what is offered to Nuffield Leyland men as I have one of each, I will have to ask him.

Website Sponsors:
Sponsorship to the website is only accepted from proven applicants, from whom members have received a good standard of service. New sponsors include Silver Fox Tractor Spares and P J H Tractor Spares, both of which I can personally recommend.
Just a couple of quick rally reminders for you:

The 2012 FMPS Annual Vintage Rally 7th and 8th of July.

As in 2011 the venue will be the magnificent grounds of Long Melford Hall in Suffolk by kind permission of Sir Richard and Lady Hyde-Parker.
This long established rally attracts visitors and exhibitors from all over East Anglia as well as quite a number travelling from all around the UK.
All types of vintage machines and other exhibits are to be found from the mighty steam engines to collections of antique "anythings"

The Society is proud to be associated with, and to support, Macmillan Nurses and will be donating a considerable sum to this most deserving charity.
An auction will be held on Saturday afternoon and this is your chance to sell your surplus equipment, parts, literature or just about anything or, you could seek out the bargain of a lifetime.

FFA will have a stand as last year, entry forms may be obtained via a link on the website and if you wish to join us please mark your entry as a FFA exhibitor. They should be returned to Tom Hunt who also organises a tractor run on the Saturday evening, proceeds from which are in aid of St. Nicholas Hospice.

The Inaugural Eastern Counties Vintage Tractor and Heritage Spectacular
31st March/1st April at the Norfolk Showground.

The Show already has over 400 tractors entered and national and local tractor clubs will be represented; come and see us on the FFA stand.
The featured displays of the Show will be pre 1930’s tractors, along with the Dancing Does, the latter display possibly the largest gathering of Doe Triple D‘s ever seen!
The Show Ground is located just off the A47 Norwich bypass; just follow the signs and the gates are open to the public from 9.30 a.m. onwards

Read more ...2012 March

  • Hits: 883

From The Chair 2019

From The Chair by FFA Chairman - Pat Pawsey

Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.
Please email items that you wish to be featured either to Ernie or to myself Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.
Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.
Above in the blue header you can see the 7 - 11 issues of "In the Chair" 2013.
Cick on the Month & Number you want to view and this will open on another page for you.
Click In the Chair 2013 button in the blue header to return to this 2013 Main page.
I hope you enjoy reading these In the Chair information pages as it is my way of keeping the Members upto date with what is going on with Your FFA.
FFA Chairman

Read more ...From The Chair 2019

  • Hits: 4004

From The Chair 2018

From The Chair by FFA Chairman - Pat Pawsey

Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.
Please email items that you wish to be featured either to Ernie or to myself Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.
Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.
Above in the blue header you can see the 7 - 11 issues of "In the Chair" 2013.
Cick on the Month & Number you want to view and this will open on another page for you.
Click In the Chair 2013 button in the blue header to return to this 2013 Main page.
I hope you enjoy reading these In the Chair information pages as it is my way of keeping the Members upto date with what is going on with Your FFA.
FFA Chairman

Read more ...From The Chair 2018

  • Hits: 3974

From The Chair 2017

From The Chair by FFA Chairman - Pat Pawsey

Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.
Please email items that you wish to be featured either to Ernie or to myself Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.
Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.
Above in the blue header you can see the 7 - 11 issues of "In the Chair" 2013.
Cick on the Month & Number you want to view and this will open on another page for you.
Click In the Chair 2013 button in the blue header to return to this 2013 Main page.
I hope you enjoy reading these In the Chair information pages as it is my way of keeping the Members upto date with what is going on with Your FFA.
FFA Chairman

Read more ...From The Chair 2017

  • Hits: 890

From The Chair 2016

From The Chair by FFA Chairman - Pat Pawsey

Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.
Please email items that you wish to be featured either to Ernie or to myself Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.
Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.
Above in the blue header you can see the 7 - 11 issues of "In the Chair" 2013.
Cick on the Month & Number you want to view and this will open on another page for you.
Click In the Chair 2013 button in the blue header to return to this 2013 Main page.
I hope you enjoy reading these In the Chair information pages as it is my way of keeping the Members upto date with what is going on with Your FFA.
FFA Chairman

Read more ...From The Chair 2016

  • Hits: 922

From The Chair 2015

From The Chair by FFA Chairman - Pat Pawsey

Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.
Please email items that you wish to be featured either to Ernie or to myself Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.
Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.
Above in the blue header you can see the 7 - 11 issues of "In the Chair" 2013.
Cick on the Month & Number you want to view and this will open on another page for you.
Click In the Chair 2013 button in the blue header to return to this 2013 Main page.
I hope you enjoy reading these In the Chair information pages as it is my way of keeping the Members upto date with what is going on with Your FFA.
FFA Chairman

Read more ...From The Chair 2015

  • Hits: 879

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