2011 July

Long Melford Rally

The Farm Machinery Preservation Society’s - Long Melford Rally

2nd - 3rd July 2011

This was a splendid event held in a beautiful setting and if you have not yet been you really should. 
The FFA stand at the FMPS rally at Long Melford on the 2nd & 3rd July attracted a steady stream of visitors, the weather was kind, mostly bright and sunny. 
It seemed just too much for Jim Tennet, who was found having a nap and enjoying the afternoon sunshine in his restored 1942 MB Willys Jeep.
The display over both days included tractors ranging from a 1923 model F, still with its trembler coil ignition and running beautifully through two N’s one a three wheeler, an E27N with a Perkins L4 conversion, a pair of Dexters, together with full house of X-series.
A beautifully restored County and a splendid Roadless 95 Ploughmaster.  The latter won the ‘Ford Motor Company Cup’ and is owned by Ken Kinsey who drove it when it was new for Felixstowe Docks in 1967 and has since bought and restored it.  It is the sort of restoration I admire, not overdone, as it would have been when delivered.
Note: Photo of our security agent ‘Harry’ ,wot a cool dude?
The FFA stand was a great success enrolling new members, selling merchandise, dispensing cups of tea and every one having a great and relaxed time. 
The rally organisers were happy with us and indicated that they would like us to return next year and have provisionally offered a larger display area. 
Next year’s rally will be held on 7th & 8th July
Words : Pat Pawsey

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2011 Shows May 2

Devon County Show

Devon FFA Event at Devon County Show 
19th - 21st May 2011

Over 9,000 people attended the 3 day Devon County Show at Westpoint near Exeter .
There was a strong class of Vintage tractors and a significant entry of Ford & Fordson tractors from the oldest, being a 1933 early Dagenham built water washer Standard through to a 1970 Ford 4000.
Our display was boosted by Ralph Sharland’s wonderful collection of Fordson models that he has collected over the last 50 years.
He has made many of the attachments himself as it is now not possible for him to find many of the parts he needs and it keeps him busy building away. Many of the items would be irreplaceable today and some of them are very special since they were given to him as a youngster.
Den Marks from just over the border in Cornwall (and he didn’t even have his passport!) brought along several items of interest. His Fordson E27N P6 which was driving a Marshall threshing machine in the working area was most impressive. A Standard Fordson N narrow wing, a very nice pre-force Ford 5000 and another E27N completed his collection.
There were a couple of Dextas, a tidy working model with a 2 furrow Ransomes plough from Doug Green and a lovely rare Roadless 4 wheel drive version from Phil Burge which came back into the UK from New Zealand some 15 years ago and is in original condition.
The Devon FFA had their new banners on display which were very eye-catching and helped to draw in many visitors. There was a lot of interest in our tractors with many people stopping to talk to the owners and recollect their youth, sharing experiences and memories with our members of bygone days.
"Pride and Nostalgia" were mixed with some frustration when hand starting proved difficult at times and testing of the owner’s humour!
All in all a rewarding & most enjoyable Show and it will only help to raise the profile of the FFA both in Devon & Nationally. We hope that most of the membership application forms taken, will convert into signed up new members for the Devon Area of the Ford & Fordson Association.

Words & Photo's - Andrew Green - FFA Devon Area Rep

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2011 Shows May


EXPO VII - 14th & 15th May 2011 - Anglesey

Arriving on site early morning on Friday to start setting up the FFA stand, we were welcomed by our Wales FFA area rep Gwilyn Jones & Meurig Williams. It looked as if they had all been here a few days working already as the main show areas had all been set out and fenced off ready for the exhibitors to arrive.

At the front of the FFA marquee was a fantastic collection of Fordson tractors owned by Allen Kelly.

When the FFA marquee was all organized and we had all had our cups of t, it was off for a wander around the show site. As we left the tractor area and headed towards the show ring, it became clear how big and how many other exhibitors & clubs were at this show.

There were vintage & classic cars, vintage commercial, motorcycles, stationery engines,Landrovers, caravans, trade stalls, model & local craft marquees, a small tracked steam railway, push bikes, miniature steam engines aswell as the big boy’s steam engines in the bottom field. Which some had pulled sleeping wagons behind them.One had even low loaded his steam engine from Somerset.

During our stay in Anglesey, we stayed at the Bull Bay Hotel over on the other side of the island. The views from this hotel of the bay were breath taking & the food was superb, when Charlie the chef had finished making the breakfasts he was out in his boat, collecting lobster and shell fish from his pots for that evenings meals. Now thats what you call "fresh"

In the front garden was a tree with a face carved into it. Calvin told us this had been carved during one of their festivals by an artist using a chainsaw. Thank you to Calvin and your staff for making our stay with you one to be remembered for a long time.

Saturday morning Ernie and Hazel were out early, sorting in which order the tractors were parked and staking their entry numbers in the ground. This worked well as there wasn’t too much confusion and exhibitors found their places easily.

It was then back to the marquee to start signing the exhibitors all in, this was a continuous flow and before we knew it we had over 70 + tractors signed in and parked.

Saturday & Sunday weather was sunny with rain for most of the day. Gwilyn told me for the last 3 weeks there had been beautiful weather there. The weather didn’t put anyone off as the show areas were full with exhibitors and the show ground was buzzing with people.

Next to the tractor area was "Tractor Pulling" Anglsey style.This event was organized by Bryn Evans & Andrew Buckley.It was fantastic and drew a large crowd during the whole of the weekend.

12:15pm was vintage cars in the display arena. Again a good turn out of these lovely old cars.

12-30pm was "start your tractor engines time" as the Fordsons Expo tractors were in the ring for 12.45pm. AVES & FFA marshals lined the route from the tractor area to the ring to help get the tractors in & out quickly and every thing flowed very smoothly.

Once the tractors were in the centre of the display ring they were lined up by models. When Peter Love began his commentary that certain model of tractor that he was commenting on drove around the ring, First was N's then E27N's, Dexta, Majors, 1000,s.. This worked very well as the crowds could see the tractor models that Peter Love was commenting on, instead of tractors of all ages going around together.

Two laps of the display ring, then as they went out the next model started off around the ring.

This beautifully restored 1939 Industrial Chaseside with loading shovel owned by Steve Richards from Pentraeth, Anglesey.Used it's pulleys & cables to raised and lowered it's shovel whilst going around the display ring - it was fantastic to watch.

Next into the area were the big steam boys, what a fantastic sight. Once they had parked in the centre of the ring the crowds were invited in to have a closer look, this proved very popular with every body.

Back at the marquee it was time for a well deserved cup of T from our FFA T-ladies. Wendy Gibson & Margaret Kirk were working very hard. It seems driving your tractor around the ring makes you thirsty?.
Margaret and Morris Kirk were also busy helping people and members with FFA merchandise.
The FFA tombola again proved a great success and was going down very well,all prizes were donated by the FFA.
The members voting slips were coming in thick and fast. The categories were Best Unrestored – Best Restored & Tractor the judge would most like to take home.
The presentation took place at 2pm on Sunday with our FFA Area Rep Gwilyn Jones announcing the winners.

FFA Expo VII - Catagory Winners


3rd - 1938 Fordson N - Cledwyn Hughes - Anglesey
2nd - 1960 Roadless Super Major - Arwell Roberts - Denbighshire
1st - 1953 Fordson E1A Major - D.M Jones - Anglesey


3rd - 1977 Roadless 120 - George Yarwood - Cheshire
2nd - 1960 Fordson Dexta MK2 - Paul Boake - Aberystwyth
1st - 1976 Ford 7000 - Stuart Handley - Cheshire

Tractor the Judges "would most like to take home"

1960 Fordson Dexta MK2 - Paul Boake - Aberystwyth

"Well Done" to you All

After the awards were given out it was surprise time for "Birthday Boy"
Neil Roberts from Mold - Wales
A fantastic cake was presented to him by his wife & “Happy Birthday” was sung by all. As you can see the cake is a smaller version of his beautifully restored 1939 Fordson N.
"Congratulations" to Neil, whom if I remember correctly was 38 years young.

This brought a lovely close to a really enjoyable & friendly Expo VII.

"Hello" to our new FFA helper Katie Boake, who sold tumbola tickets and served cups of T to everyone during the weekend.
Glad you enjoyed yourself Katie and “Well Done" to your Dad in winning the “Tractor the Judges would most like to take home” trophy.
The Ford & Fordson Association recieved a warm welcome from the people of Wales, our FFA Area Rep Gwilyn Jones plus the Chairman and Committee of the Anglesey Vintage Equipment Society - Cymdeithas Hen Gelfi Ynys Mon, who hosted the Hen Blas vintage Rally did everything possible to make it such a successful weekend.

Our thank's go to “ALL” who helped ,our FFA Area Rep Gwilyn Jones plus the Chairman and Committee of the Anglesey Vintage Equipment Society - FFA helpers Margaret & Morris Kirk, Peter Godwin, Margaret & Derek Badham, Rodney & Wendy Gibson, Ernie & Hazel Clark, to name but a few.

A Big "Thank you" from the Ford & Fordson Association and all it's members
to everyone who helped make the FFA Expo VII such a great event.

We hope to see you at our next EXPO VIII which we hope will take place at the ‘Power of the Past’ Rally, Wantisden Valley, Suffolk in September 2012.

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2010 Shows July


The Yorkshire Vintage Association Show 2010. Newby Hall, Ripon, Yorkshire.

12th - 13th June 2010

Blue Stands Firm at Newby Hall

Newby Hall is becoming the bastion of events for our northern Ford and Fordson Association members and 2010 was to provide an excellent gathering for all again.

The Yorkshire Vintage Association under Richard Sturdy and secretary David Ayres has done the tractor movement proud with this fine event that featured approximately 400 tractors of all ages.

It included the best line-up of veteran and vintage that’s been seen on the circuit this year, which is what this event is principally all about.

There were also many other machines and ages here to make this an excellent show in a superb setting at Newby Hall, Ripon, East Yorkshire.

The weather was excellent on Saturday 12th June, it rained heavily in the night but stopped in time for the punters to come through the gate on Sunday 13th June.

Again the Ford and Fordson Association had the biggest show of tractors with over a 100, including one or two new restorations. Thanks to the efforts of Roger Ingram the FFA stand was manned well. However for 2011, "We need to have more helpers here please".

It was appropriate that on display was the ex John Moffett MOM Fordson F, thought to be the second oldest in the UK today. Belonging to John Metcalfe it ran a treat, as did Philip Ireland’s 1919 example that came from the neighbouring county of Lancashire. Tom Lowther and his Northrop 5004 was also part of the display aswell as Ron Hughes and his lovely Roadless Dexta. There were some lovely tractors from Kenneth Bell and his many friends, even a couple debuting at the event.

In fact the 1000 series line was superb with two 2000; seven 3000; three; 4000 and three 5000’s besides two 7810 Jubilees.

Newby Hall are to have a special ‘blue’ tractor theme in 2011, which takes place on 11-12th June and is to be run by our FFA ploughing suprememo Roger Ingham. Full details are shown in the SHOWS & EVENTS section of this website.

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2010 Shows June

Newby Hall

The Yorkshire Vintage Association Show 2010. Newby Hall, Ripon, Yorkshire.

12th - 13th June 2010

Blue Stands Firm at Newby Hall

Newby Hall is becoming the bastion of events for our northern Ford and Fordson Association members and 2010 was to provide an excellent gathering for all again.

The Yorkshire Vintage Association under Richard Sturdy and secretary David Ayres has done the tractor movement proud with this fine event that featured approximately 400 tractors of all ages.

It included the best line-up of veteran and vintage that’s been seen on the circuit this year, which is what this event is principally all about.

There were also many other machines and ages here to make this an excellent show in a superb setting at Newby Hall, Ripon, East Yorkshire.

The weather was excellent on Saturday 12th June, it rained heavily in the night but stopped in time for the punters to come through the gate on Sunday 13th June.

Again the Ford and Fordson Association had the biggest show of tractors with over a 100, including one or two new restorations. Thanks to the efforts of Roger Ingram the FFA stand was manned well. However for 2011, "We need to have more helpers here please".

It was appropriate that on display was the ex John Moffett MOM Fordson F, thought to be the second oldest in the UK today. Belonging to John Metcalfe it ran a treat, as did Philip Ireland’s 1919 example that came from the neighbouring county of Lancashire. Tom Lowther and his Northrop 5004 was also part of the display aswell as Ron Hughes and his lovely Roadless Dexta. There were some lovely tractors from Kenneth Bell and his many friends, even a couple debuting at the event.

In fact the 1000 series line was superb with two 2000; seven 3000; three; 4000 and three 5000’s besides two 7810 Jubilees.

Newby Hall are to have a special ‘blue’ tractor theme in 2011, which takes place on 11-12th June and is to be run by our FFA ploughing suprememo Roger Ingham. Full details are shown in the SHOWS & EVENTS section of this website.

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2010 Shows May

Barham N.S.W

Fordson Tractor Club "Weekend Gathering" Barham, NSW. Australia
22nd - 23rd May 2010

Our Fordson Club gathering at Barham on the weekend 22nd & 23rd May 2010 was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.  It was wonderful to see so many people (75 Adults and 5 Children) from S. Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.  This has turned out to be our largest gathering of all time.  It was a very busy weekend in Barham as not only was it to host the ‘Fordson Club Gathering’ but also a ‘Country Music festival’, so the town was alive with people.  Friday afternoon saw many of the Fordson enthusiasts arriving, with a few gathering at one of the local hotels for the evening meal.

Saturday turned out to be fine and sunny.  As the time ticked away towards 1pm, people started to gather at the clock in the gardens by Main Street.  Our friends met up with each other and new members welcomed.  It was great to see our two club members John and Lorraine Wake who had driven down from Bunderberg in Queensland.

With everyone eager for the weekend to commence, we all headed towards Colin and Yvonne Lloyd's property on East Barham Road to see Colin’s ever increasing collection of old tractors, trucks & machinery, which included fifteen Fordson tractors.

In Colin’s collection there are several Fordson E27N petrol/kero on steel wheels and rubber tyres, Fordson with P6 Perkins, Super Major, as well as E27N with Muir Hill Loader, a County crawler (minus its engine) and a lot of farming implement, including a Malcolm Moore Rabbit Ripper. 

Apart from Fordson tractors there were Massey Harris tractors, Ferguson Loader, Hough loader, Marshall Crawler. Many old trucks, including a very tidy Austin Lodestar, F600 Ford, Jailbar Ford, Leyland 12C Comet and a 1418 Benz.  Club members wandered through the rows of machinery, picking out the various differences between the tractors.

Just after 2:15pm members and guests were invited to make their way down to the back of the house, where Yvonne and her helpers had a delicious Afternoon Tea spread out on trestles. The sandwiches, savouries, cakes, scones and slices were all very tempting. As we sat under pergola covered with grape vines in their autumn colours, the warm sun a cup of tea and a delicious slice of cake, very relaxing. But all to soon it was time to move everyone across to the big shed to be seated for the business part of the afternoon.

Firstly, we had our General Meeting, at which the Club's new lapel badges were given to members. The Annual General Meeting followed with the election of members to the board and the setting of membership fees for 2010/2011. After the Meeting there was enough time to have another look around Colin's collection before heading back into town.

Saturday night at the Barham football club rooms came alive as everyone arrived there about 7pm. With a large wood fire going, it was very cosy inside. On one long table, Club photo albums were displayed for people to look through, as well as the binders of Fordson service letters, supplements, folders of sales brochures and many other manuals that had been donated to the Club. Other members brought along memorabilia to look at. Dennis Greenwood displayed three carved wooden Fordson models, an E27N with a plough, a Fordson Dexta and a Doe Triple D.

Members and guests seated at the long tables were treated to an excellent meal of Roast Chicken or Roast lamb with vegetables, followed by fruit salad or hot steam pudding, both with ice cream. After the meal the traditional raffle was held. This is our only major fund raiser of the year and again we had over 70 prizes to be won. A big thanks to all the members who brought along prizes for the raffle. Club president, Geoff Beattie, presented the Fordson Club plates to our hosts, Colin and Yvonne Lloyd, and Bruce Campbell. A presentation was also made to Joanne and Richard Edwards, who were our hosts for the next day. It was a wonderful evening with most people relaxing and enjoying friendly chat before saying their goodbyes for the night.

Sunday morning was a cold frosty start as we all gathered again at the football ground car park. With everyone following, we all set off towards Kerang, about a 25 minute trip. As we pulled up at Tim Scriven's Military collection, the first thing that everyone saw was Dennis Greenwood's Aussie Doe. Members couldn't get out of their cars quick enough to go over and give it the big inspection.

Dennis drove it around on the grassed area and some members were lucky enough to be allowed to drive it. Dennis had coupled together a couple of Majors with a kit that was made by a foundry in Bendigo, Victoria. This kit had previously been fitted to a pair of Nuffield tractors. The conversion had not been completely finished yet, but Dennis promised us it would be.

Tim's collection included A Blitz F60L with a 1941 2 Pounder Anti Tank Gun, a 1943 M20 BSA 500cc motorcycle, a 1943

Bren Gun carrier manufactured in West Australia, a 1942 Dodge WC56 Command car, an M3 Half track, a 1943 Willy’s Jeep with 1945 trailer and a 1941 Stuart Light Tank.

It was a very interesting collection and Tim certainly got everyone’s attention when he started up the Stuart tank and drove it away in a haze of thick smoke.

Club President Geoff Beattie thanked Tim for allowing us to see his collection and presented him with a Fordson Club Plate.

We then returned to Barham and drove out on the Moulamein Road to visit Joanne and Richard Edwards collection. On arrival we were all invited to morning tea and again the spread of sandwiches, freshly baked scones with jam and cream were very tempting. For the ladies there was a display of old china, old craft & knitting books, while Richard had books on earth moving machinery out for all to browse through.

Morning tea over, it was time for a play. Firstly, Richard gave a demonstration with his Old Stone Crusher, which resulted in a neat pile of stones. He then showed how his Jaques Dragline could load his Aveling-Barford Dumper with the stones that had been freshly crushed.

Looking around we saw a Caterpillar D6 Dozer, an old face shovel fitted with a Fordson Model N power unit and a Grader fitted to an International tractor.  The men finally made their way back to the lawns where the ladies were sitting around chatting.

The call of “time to move” got everyone moving again and it was back into Barham to the Border Flywheels Museum. It is a very interesting museum with extensive collections on show, covering household articles and goods, stationary engines, tractors, trucks, vintage cars and machinery. Based in the Old Brick Works it was an ideal location for a museum of this kind to be. The Fordson tractors were lined up at the back of the museum and this included a Cork model and several E27Ns.

One tractor that created interest was an old Fordson which had been donated and was mounted on top of a large tree stump.

The Border Flywheelers Club ladies catered for a sit down lunch of BBQ meats with served salads followed by fruit salad and ice cream. Local craft ladies also had a stall in the museum, which the ladies in our group supported well.

After lunch we had the drawing for the three Lucky Ticket prizes. These were a gift pack of three Fordson Mugs donated by Rocklyn Ceramics, a Hino Truck gift bag donated by Bendigo truck center and a Fordson tractor cushion made and donated by Club Secretary, Dawn Milsom. Club President Geoff Beattie then thanked The Border Flywheelers and presented their President Bruce Campbell with a Fordson club plate. It was then time for everyone to have their last look around the museum and have a chat to friends before some members headed off home. For the Club members who stayed in Barham for Sunday night there was a meal that evening at the Barham Club.

Thank you to our hosts over the weekend, for all the organising and catering. it was very much appreciated.

During the Sunday afternoon a reporter from the local newspaper ‘The Bridge’ arrived to take some photos and interviews. This resulted in a full front page featuring a very large colored photo under the heading ‘Fordson Fantastics’. Well, this group of ‘Fordson Fantastics’ certainly enjoyed themselves and look forward to meeting up again at our next ‘Fordson Club Gathering’.

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2022 Shows October

Catani & Modella

Fordson Tractor Day & Meeting at Catani & Modella, Victoria, Australia
31st October 2010

Wet and cool conditions greeted the Club Members that arrived in the local Gippsland area on the Saturday and with approximately 124 points or 31ml of rain falling during Saturday night it was very damp underfoot.

On Sunday morning, members and their families arrived at the Modella Hall in fine rain, which luckily didn't reappear until late afternoon.  With a large and colourful Fordson Club banner on display on the front of the hall, it couldn't be missed from the road.
As everyone gathered in the hall, they greeted old friends and were invited to share a delicious Morning Tea which consisted of freshly baked scones with jam & cream as well as hot buttered savoury scones.

Cups of tea and coffee were welcomed by all, especially those who had travelled long distances to attend. Club photo albums & books belonging to the club and its members were on display for all to view. The ladies were not forgotten either, as Glenys Van Boxtel and Lynne Gaskell put on a beautiful display of handmade quilts.

The corners of the hall absolutely ‘glowed’ with the beautiful colours and wonderful needlework of the twenty quilts & table runners on show.
At the front of the hall, the large flag of our sponsors ‘Bepco Australasia’ hung side by side with our ‘Fordson’ flag. At 11am everyone was asked to be seated for the General Meeting. Club Business was then discussed for the next hour.

Following the Meeting lunch was served, once again the catering by the ladies was superb. There were home cooked meats with many salads and this was followed by five different exotic sweets.  This choice ensured many returned for seconds of the tempting desserts.

As we finished our meal, our Club President Geoff Beattie and Secretary Dawn Milsom presented ‘Fordson Club’ plates to our hosts, Glenys and Bert Van Boxtel, Lynne and Brian Gaskell, and thanked them for organising the day. We then had the raffle for the three prizes that were kindly donated - a Fordson tractor cushion featuring a New Major, a set of three Fordson Tractor mugs and a Driza-Bone man's wallet.

Time for a final chat before being called together and to move off to Glenys and Bert's property to see their tractor collection. Although outside the wind was brisk and dark clouds covered the sky, the rain held off.
Bert had his tractors all out in rows for us to see. The collection included a Fordson Super Dexta, Super Major, New Major Diesel, New Major Kero Rowcrop, E27N P6's, E27N Petrol/Kero, E27N L4 Perkins and the stars of the collection were his County Tractors.

These consisted of County Super 4, County Super 6, County 654, County 754, a part County Super 6, a stationary p6 Engine as well as his modern working tractors.

As usual the Club members checked out all the differences found in many of the Fordson tractors.
It was now time to move on down the road to Lynne and Brian Gaskell's to view his collection. Brian had prepared for the rain and left all his tractors under cover of his shed.

Brian's tractors included 4 x Fordson E27N's, a Fordson Model N and a Fordson Model F as well as Farmalls, Nuffield, Allis Chalmers, Massey Ferguson. Two of Brian's E27N's, one being a Fordson Rowcrop were driven out of the shed and put on show outside.
After the men had their final look around they joined the ladies in another shed where a lovely Afternoon Tea was being served. We all warmed ourselves up with hot tea and coffee.

Late afternoon as the rain started to drizzle, signalled the time for some of our members to depart. It was great to see so many club members attend from N.S.W and all areas of Victoria.

We would also like to thank the three new enthusiasts who turned up after reading a small article placed in ‘The Weekly Times’ newspaper. One of our local papers the ‘Packenham Gazette’ also did a very interesting two-page feature on Bert's dairy farm, his Fordson collection and The Fordson Tractor Club.

Our thanks to Glenys, Bert, Lynne and Brian for hosting this tractor day and inviting us all to view their tractor collections.

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