Association chairman, Pat Pawsey, offers another essential selection of news and views from in and around the enthusiastic FFA
I hope to be moving house soon. I first moved in 60 years ago, and most of you will have experienced the chaos that the process invariably causes. If all goes to plan, I shall temporarily stop processing registrations for a month or so. But members who have vehicles complete and ready to register should continue to contact me, as I’ve made an arrangement for these to be handled on your behalf while I’m settling into my new surroundings.
In the previous issue I reported some issues with the DVLA, so I’m now pleased to follow-up with the news that several of these have been satisfactorily concluded. Finally, I gather that some of you received ‘spam’ emails appearing to be from me, suggesting that I was unwell and asking for help. I’d never send such a message so, if you ever receive such a thing in the future, please delete it. Indeed, I wouldn’t be fi t to be chairman of this club if I had sent it but,
nevertheless, I was very touched and moved by those who contacted me offering help. The internet is a minefi eld! I’ve changed my email password and have dual authentication, so the account is again secure. It’s just as safe to email me now as it was, but please be aware of the scammers. If an email is unexpected – and before answering it – consider whether or not you know the sender, and never open an attachment unless you’re sure about the source.
The 62nd Carrington Steam & Heritage Show (May 28th-29th) saw the FFA back at the event after a few years of absence. I moved to Lincolnshire in 2022 and, after my experiences with the FFA in Kent, I felt well placed to take charge of the club’s stand at this show. The weekend was a great success, being well supported by members and rally
organisers alike. Even the weather was kind! Together with my Ford 4000, other exhibits on the stand included Mick Bowen’s 1961 Roadless Halftrack, B Coulter’s 1963 Super Major, Barry Mumby’s 1965 Ford 5000, Richard Mason’s 1963 Doe Triple D and Stuart Eastmead’s 1950 Fordson N. My thanks go to Jane Goodhall, Val
Mason, Miranda and my granddaughter, for their help with running and stocking the stand, and providing tea and delicious cakes. Also, I’m grateful to Malcolm Robinson – the event secretary – for his support. Next year’s main show theme is Ford and Fordson, so I hope to see you there!
John Vowell, FFA Lincolnshire rep
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