2021 Shows

2021 Shows


Held at the Kent County Showground at Detling, Maidstone on 10th - 11th July 2021

The Kent Country Show is a fresh wording for the Kent County Show which is a newish idea for the organisors as they are trying and working to have less of the the market, toot stools that you always see at shows nowadays.
The Exhibitors were less as were the trade stalls mainly due to Covid only just openning up and probaly trying to get back on their feet after this devastating Covid delema we have been through.
There was still a good group of Kent Crafts and Traders tents and stalls showing their goods and products and with many people pulling full up trollies and bags around the showground, the signs were of good trading.
Plenty of steam, tractors, vintage and classic vehicles of all sizes turned out and supported the Show aswell as a very funny sheep / Humans grand national, superb birds of prey displays and ofcourse the cute beagle puppeis causing absaloute chaos in the main rings. 
Tractor and Roller Ring Display.
Our Thanks goes out to Bernard Pike for his entertaining commentary during the whole weekend.

We all noticed the quieterness and fewer public at the show, but hopfully it will get back to its busier times that we all previously know.... but it will take time....

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2019 Shows


EXPO VII - 14th & 15th May 2011 - Anglesey

Arriving on site early morning on Friday to start setting up the FFA stand, we were welcomed by our Wales FFA area rep Gwilyn Jones & Meurig Williams. It looked as if they had all been here a few days working already as the main show areas had all been set out and fenced off ready for the exhibitors to arrive.

At the front of the FFA marquee was a fantastic collection of Fordson tractors owned by Allen Kelly.

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2017 Shows

2017 Shows

Somerset Vintage Classic Tractor Show

The Somerset Vintage & Classic Tractor Show held on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January 2017:
Record crowds of tractor enthusiasts flocked to the Bath and West Showground, Shepton Mallet on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January for the annual Somerset Vintage & Classic Tractor Show. 
Over 220 vintage and classic tractors and implements were on display at this indoor event. There was a very impressive display of nearly 100 Ford and Fordson tractors.
As 2017 is the 100-year anniversary of Fordson tractors, the display included two 1917 Fordson model 'F's and many more models from each decade of production.  The organisers were grateful to TH Whites, from Frome for bringing the oldest 1917 model and the latest 2017 New Holland tractor.
Many other makes were also on display, including Fergusons, Massey Fergusons, David Browns, John Deere and Field Marshalls. The Ford & Fordson Association attended for the first time and had a very successful time.
The popular auction, which included vintage and classic tractors, spares, engines, together with implements, etc. was held on Saturday by HJ Pugh, Ledbury. There were also plenty of trade stands selling tractor and implements, agricultural spares, books, model tractors, etc.
1990 Ford 7810 owned by Geoff Mills
Ford 1000 owned by C Stuckey
1982 Roadless 980 owned by M Mitchell
1958 Fordson Dexta owned by A Westlake
1944 Fordson Standard road roller owned by G Sage
1994 Ford 8240 owned by M Mancini -  1982 Ford TW20 owned by M Evans
& 1994 County 1184-40 owned by T McLean
1972 Ford 7000 owned by G Farmer
This year's show raised over £8,000 for local charities including: £4,000 to the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and £3,000 to Dorothy House Hospice.
Words & Photos - Nick & Pat Bryne

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2014 Shows

2014 Shows

Kent Heritage & Transport  Show held at the Detling Showground on Saturday 5th April 2014

Organisers of the 5th annual Heritage Transport Show are delighted with the event that took place on Saturday 5th April 2014.
Lucy Hegarty event organiser, said "We had over 5,000 people on site during the event and there was a marked increase in the number of quality vintage vehicles. The South East Bus Festival welcomed exhibitors from all over the county with an impressive display of buses and coaches."
The free bus rides around the Showground were once again popular and were full of passengers enjoying both the ride and the trip down memory lane. There were over 120 buses at the event and many of them were able to participate, making it a dificult choice of which bus to go on next.
The South East Bus Festival team gave a special thank you to owners who made their buses and drivers available to provide a connecting shuttle service to get people from Sittingbourne and Maidstone into the show. I think this is a superb idea as it helps those that dont drive or get a lift from someone to visit this show.
The new layout for this year, due to the nearly completed Maidstone Exhibition Hall meant visitors were able to take a clear route through the many specialist sections of vintage vehicles. 
The Show on Saturday 5th April, organised by the Heritage Committee of the Kent County Agricultural Society, raises funds for the Heritage Section at the main County Show in July.
Bernard Pike, Chairman said, "Every year we have been lucky with the weather and this year was no exception. The number and quality of the entries was brilliant and in particular we welcomed a larger military section and several new car clubs.  
One of the liveliest areas on the Showground was the Kent Capri and Ford Club. This group formed in 1986 as the 'Kent Capri Club' and later incorporated other Ford vehicles. Paul Holland from the club said, "The Heritage Transport Show is the club's first show of the year and we really enjoy the fact that we get to talk to the public.  Owning and restoring vintage cars is not a hobby to be taken lightly but is hugely rewarding.  Everyone in our club has a love for Fords and it will be the same for every other individual who has bought a vehicle here today."
I just had to take this photo . . . . mmmm well what can I say??
The Kent members of the FFA came along and well supported our stand, with Wendy working flat out sorting the refreshing Cup of T for the members aswell as selling the merchandise, while Rod enjoyed himself chatting with old & new members about future shows / events & times good times gone by.
The New Kent FFA sign made by Rodney looks fantastic as does our Mascot "Arkwright" on his Major
Conrad Hopkins & Ken Bailey Loaded up with their Fordson ready for home.

See you all and more at the Kent County Show

on 11th - 13th July. Wendy says " Kettle's on Boy's"

Words & Photos - Ernie

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2013 Shows

2013 Shows

The Charity Road Run on the Isle of Wight was held on Saturday 29th December in aid of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance

Despite a forecast of force 9 winds and heavy rain a hardy bunch of some 26 classic tractor enthusiasts turned out for the Inaugural Festive Road Run.  This was an event put forward by the team of David Lemonius, Denis Pocock and John Butcher who are have been organising the Charity Fun Weekend on the Island during March for the last 4 years.
The route took us from the car park at "Carpet Right" in Gunville (other Carpet suppliers are available) and out to Betty Haunt Lane and through some lovely countryside in Great Park exiting on the main Yarmouth- Newport Road at Three Gates. Thence on to Calbourne and Brighstone with a pit stop at New Wolverton Farm, Yafford.
The second half took us down through Atherfield Green and on up to Chale Green to Berry Shute at Billingham and a delightful run down through Cridmore and on up to the Chequers Inn on the very aptly named Bleak Down as by this time it was raining and blowing.
The Inn provided suitable warmth and everyone dispersed in their various directions mid afternoon.

Around £400.00 was raised for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance and our thanks must go to all the car park owners and landowners who allowed us to cross their land without which this Road Run would not have been possible.

The support & feedback given to us by the entrants was overwhelming and this event was voted such a great success that they all wanted to do it again next year.

Report & Photos - F.F.A Isle of Wight Area representative David Lemonius

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2012 Shows

2012 Shows

Kent Heritage Show - Kent County Show Ground, Maidstone, Kent
on Saturday 31st March 2012

Held at The Kent County Show Ground, Maidstone, Kent on Saturday 31st March 2012 and organised by The Kent Agricultural Society. I said in last years show write up "It grows every year". This is true again as this year there were about a third more Tractor, Vehicle & Commercial exhibitors here than last year and just over 5,000 visitors to the show, not bad for a one day event. Adult Ticket prices wern't to unreasonable either at £6.50 pre-book & £7.50 on the gate with under 12's free.
The main Themes for this years show were Maidstone & District and East Kent Bus Company Club celebrating its Diamond Jubilee, the 50th anniversary of the MGB Roadster and the Massey Ferguson 35X as well as celebrating 100 years of AEC buses.
After setting up the FFA stand with Rodney, Wendy Gibson & Linda Vowell it was time for me to have a wander around the displays and gather my photos and information for the website.
Free vintage bus rides with stops positioned around the showground, were a fanatastic sight to see and Yes I had a trip on a London double decker bus, which reminded me of the "Harry Potter Night bus to Hoggwarts" and the "Carry on the Buses film".There was even a period dressed conductor who rang the bell when all were aboard.
The brightly painted with superb hand painted signwritting detail Bedford coach was originally used as a tour bus from Valletta to London, so I thought this would also be worth a trip on aswell.
This "Home Front Bus" mainly travels around schools giving the kids a chance to see and understand what the Home Front meant and did during the war. The inside of this bus had been converted to a living museum. You can view more information by visiting their website Home Front Bus.
There were many Vintage & Classic Vehicle Clubs here with their display area's full of Motorcycles, Commercials and Cars. VJMC - The Vintage Japaneese Motorcycle Club had a great stand with many classic motorcycles on it.

Kawasaki KH750 Triple - also nicknamed the "Kettle", Suzuki GS750 and the Honda CB750Four were bikes that my older brother and his mates had, while at 16 I blasted around on my Yamaha FS1E and had to work up to the bigger bikes.
Yamaha FS1E - Yup I had the bright yellow version
In the Commercial display area this 1950 Bedford Model K Camper Conversion caught my eye. It was originally in New Zealand and was purchased by a French Couple Nadi & Micheal who saw it while on holiday out there. They brought it back to France & restored it to its present condition. Nadi & Micheal were on a weeks touring holiday in UK and set off North after the show.
A International Roadmaster, 1961 Morris F.G Commercial which was built for Burtons Garage in Gillingham and a Leyland Terrier with a Triumph TR4A sports can on it's back, this even had the original winch and is still being used to take his differnet sports cars to all the shows.
The Kent County Show Ground Heritage Team, Lucy Hegerty, Bernard & Steve Pike have all been very busy since last year and there is a new hard surface area between the two display halls and this is where the tractors were on display.
Ian Bouchard's 1939 Oliver 70 RowCrop with a mid mounted tool bar for digging potatoes

Dave Bonner's 1961 KL Jones 15 Mobile Crane
The KL was the baby in the Jones range. Because of it's compactness it was often used in urban areas and know as the "Street Crane". It could straddle a trench, lifting excavated materials into dumpers and lowering pipes. The large winch drum of the KL15 could hold up to 150 feet of cable and this also allowed it to work at the top of tunnel shafts again lifting out soil and lower materials down to the miners below.
This fully working and unique Jones KL15 was restored by it's owner Dave Bonner, Dave travelled up from the New Forest to give the KL it's first showing since being restored.

While making my way back to the FFA stand I noticed this beautifully restored 1912 Hallford Omnibus.
As you can see from the original photos it started off as a total wreck and needed donor parts and bodies to complete the restoration. The finished restoration is a credit to the time and effort put into it by it's owner.
1912 Hallford made by J.E Hall Ltd from Dartford. It was found at Plumbstead in Easter 1983 and had been used by a fairground family as a caravan many years ago. It was moved back to Dartford August 1983 and the main chassis and steering were worked on. In 1985 a new radiator was cast and bonnet fabrications were completed, next the woodwork was restored and in 1989/90 new stairs were fitted.
Fully Restored
Arriving back at the FFA stand, Wendy Gibson & Linda Vowell were busy serving T's to Our members. Rodney was busy chatting away, selling FFA merchandise and signing up new members. The end of the hall had been set aside for tractors stands, Ford & Fordson Association, Garden of England, Kent Agricultural Club and S.E.V.A.C were all together and the place was busy with people chatting and enjoying the tractors on display.
Our Magic T Ladies Wendy, Linda and Marjorie Cheeseman ( Kent Agricultural Club) enjoyong 5 miniute break. Joan Allen and the Garden Of England Stand and FFA Member Peter Micham telling one of his "famous stories" to John Vowell and a couple of G.O.E members.
Our thanks go out to John Vowell, Des Boughton, Bob Griggs, Rodney Gibson & Ian Town for the use of their tractor for the FFA display.
What a fantastic sight early on the Saturday the morning as Des Boughton & John Vowell arrive at the Heritage Show.
Bob Griggs from Dymchurch displayed his nicely restored 1965 Petrol Ford 2000.
Ian Town & his father Leslie with Ian's 1963 Fordson Super Major.
Our thanks go out to All the FFA members who helped and made the effort to bring their beloved tractors along to the Heritage Show and to display on our FFA Stand. A superb and enjoyable day was had by all. Ernie & Rodney will be back next year and look forward to seeing you all, old & new at our FFA stand at the Kent Heritage Show 2013.

Words & Photos - Ernie

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