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In The Chair 2012

Club News No. 1 - 20th February 2012

The Club has a problem in disseminating information to members.
Prior to Ernie creating this website, our sole method of communication was via the magazine, the only other alternative is by post which unfortunately must be ruled out on cost alone.
The magazine has proved to be an excellent vehicle for disseminating club news and I do not see this changing, however, it is clear that as Ford and Fordson Tractors is a bimonthly publication and as the deadline for copy to be submitted to it is about a month before it drops through your doors, some three months can pass between an item of interest coming to our attention and to your being told about it.
To try and keep you better informed we shall, for a trial period, be publishing a regular ‘Club News’ item on this website. It will also feature items sent in by area representatives of ‘happenings’ they would like brought to your attention and you the members who have something you would like aired.
Please email items that you wish to be featured either to Ernie or to myself Pat Pawsey and we will do our best to include the most topical. We shall also include stories of interest that have missed publication previously due to editorial constraints or for other reasons.
Make no mistake this is your club and we need both input from you and feedback on the content we publish if it is to work properly.
I spoke to Nick Battelle of Old 20 Parts and he says that he will have their new 10 series catalogue at Tractor World and that he is offering FFA members first chance to buy oil control rings to fit the E27N at a special price they normally sell for  £9.50 but are being offered at £3.50 each plus, I’m afraid the dreaded VAT.  They are offered on a “while stocks last basis” but if your engine uses too much oil or fouls the plugs this may well be an offer that appeals.
There is, as you will see below, an article from Nick & Pat Bryne congratulating David Northam for winning the Munday & Hicks Consistency Trophy in 2011 at Great Dorset. (Do please send photos wherever possible it does make it so much more interesting).
I should like to draw members’ attention to an event being staged by The Grand Henham Steam Rally to be held at Henham Park near Southwold, Suffolk on 15th & 16th September. The FFA will have a stand there for the first time and the theme is to be a celebration of Fordson and Ford tractors with as many different models and their derivatives on display as possible, a presentation in the ring will tell the history of Ford and Fordson in the UK and some of the models on display will feature in this to illustrate their development. This may seem a premature announcement but entries will be limited and we shall particularly be looking for tractors prior to 1930 and post 1970 and I wished to alert those interested before they commit their exhibits to other events. For further details please contact Keith Broomhall on 07831 130005 or 01379 677866.

I enclose some photos courtesy of their publicity officer Roger King.

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  • Hits: 10259

FFA Constitution

FFA Constitution

Ford & Fordson Association Rules & Constitution


The name shall be:  The Ford & Fordson Association

Objects of the Association

1.To preserve and perpetuate Ford & Fordson tractors, derivates and implements associated with this make world-wide. To bring together all tractor owners, past and present employees and enthusiasts who show interest in the make. Also dealers past and present and former Ford and Fordson employees, besides anyone interested in the former and current organisation under Case New Holland (CNH) ownership. To support and provide assistance to members in keeping their Ford and Fordson machinery in active working condition.
2.To organise or support events that raise money for charitable causes that the members wish to support.
3.To provide education and instruction to the general public on the preservation and operation of Ford & Fordson equipment and encourage interest and participation in ploughing and other farming skills.
Contact Address:
Ford & Fordson Association, Newhall, 1 Sneath Road,  Aslacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR15 52DS
Membership is open to both sexes and all ages. The membership for a Ford & Fordson Association (FFA) member commences from the point he or she pays the subscription until the expiry of that term at the annual rate.
1.Membership may be accquired by subscribing to the magazine annually through the Club and such membership will entitle the member to all the benefits of membership during the term of that subscription and the member will receive a membership card and number. (Note magazine subscriptions purchased directly from Kelsey Publishing no longer include membership of the Association).
2. Membership only may be purchased annually by paying the annual rate to the Association as set by the Committee.  The member shall not receive the magazine but will be entitled to all other benefits of membership and will receive a membership card and number.
3. Junior membership for those up to 18 years of age is available at half the adult rate as set in 2 above and they will enjoy the same benefits and will also receive a membership card and number.
Ordinary Members
Every ordinary member of the Association shall: Be subject to the rules and conditions of any event held, be entitled to participate in common with other members in the organisation in all activities pursued by the Association. However they shall not by reason of their membership be under any financial liability except for payment of their annual subscription.        
Be entitled to offers and discounts arranged through suppliers by the Committee of their behalf on production of a current membership card. (See 1, 2 & 3 above)
Honorary Members
Honorary members can be proposed by any Association member. The decision to award honorary membership will lie with the Committee.  Honorary membership is excluded to serving members of the Committee. Honoray membership can be withdrawn if the person does not continue to meet the requirements of the FFA.
Meetings shall be known as Ordinary Meetings, Committee Meetings and Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee shall endeavour to hold at least three Committee meetings a year. Voting shall be by a simple one person one vote majority at the AGM.  Extraordinary Meetings may be called by representation of fifty-five (55) percent or more of the Committee to the Secretary. Not less than twenty-four (24) days notice of such a meeting shall be given.
Officers of the Association
The officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be appointed annually by the Committee at the first meeting following the AGM. The Committee have the power to appoint members to such other positions as are from time to time deemed necessary.
The Chairman will chair all meetings, act as Chief Executive Officer, and will have a casting vote to use as and when necessary. They will endeavour to act as an ambassador for the Association and along with the President do everything in their power to encourage people to join the Association. They will also develop the Association to the best of their ability with their serving officers.
The Vice-Chairman shall work with the Chairman and in his absence at any time the Vice-Chairman will act in his place and have the casting vote.
The Secretary whether a member or not, shall be appointed by the Committee and will organise meetings, events, and Gatherings as decided by the Chairman and Committee.
The Secretary will undertake the day to day running of the Association including correspondence, maintain necessary records, and keep minutes of all meetings. Also liaise with Area Representatives and try to meet once a year.
The Secretary, with the Committee, shall develop its future strategy, and conduct its affairs in an efficient, commercial and responsible manner.
The Treasurer will keep accurate accounts. The accounts will be available to any Association member on a yearly basis (the fiscal year 1st January to 31st December). The Treasurer shall pay all outstanding accounts at the appropriate time. The Treasurer will ensure that the information for audit purposes is readily available to the Committee or accountant.
The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, President, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and up to eight (8) other ordinary members. All members must be fully paid up to hold a position on the Committee. The Committee will hold their positions for three (3) years, before standing for re-election at the AGM. Nominations shall be made in writing to the Secretary at least eight (8) weeks prior to the AGM (for inclusion with the notice of the AGM if possible). Resignations from the Association shall be in writing to the Secretary. Members failing to renew their membership within two months from their renewal date shall be deemed to have resigned.
If at anytime a Committee member or officer leaves/resigns before their re-election period the Committee have the right to co-opt a replacement who will remain in office until the next AGM when they will offer themselves for election.  The Committee may, from time to time appoint  members to act on it's behalf for special projects.
The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting in the autumn each year, where a set of financial accounts will be presented. Each officer will give a report on their section, and this report will be published on the FFA website. It shall be incumbent upon a member to inform the Secretary of any change of address.
The President will do their utmost in promoting the objects of the Association within the Constitution and shall be an ambassador for the Ford & Fordson Association.
The conduct of members will be such as to not bring discredit upon the Association. Use of the FFA name or logo for private purposes or for private gain is forbidden unless written consent is obtained from the Committee. The Association is not liable for the acts of default of members.  Only members over 18 years of age will be allowed to vote.
Alteration to the Association Rules
Alteration to the Association Rules can only be made by the Committee after seeking ratification by a simple majority vote at the AGM.
Casting of votes
Casting of votes can only take place in person at the AGM by paid up members - no proxy votes are acceptable.
In matters not covered by the Rules, the decision of the FFA Committee is final.
FFA Gatherings
Club gatherings will be held around the country, there may be other smaller events staged by members on behalf of the Association.  However, before they can take place, they must at all times be authorised by Committee. A letter of agreement will be issued by the Secretary as the authorisation for the use of the name Ford & Fordson Association. All exhibitors and helpers work at their own risk and must have the appropriate insurance.
Copy of Rules
A copy of these rules shall be made available on request to every member who must abide by their provisions. The committee has the power to suspend any member for not observing these rules.
Revised 04/02/2017

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  • Hits: 3517

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. As a condition of using this Website, you agree that you will only use, reproduce and print materials comprising the results of such searches for your own personal, non-commercial purposes. In particular, you must not use the contact details provided by private advertisers to contact such advertisers other than in connection with a genuine enquiry relating to a proposed purchase by you.

2. The pages contained within the Website may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The information in these pages may be updated from time to time and may at times be out of date. We accept no responsibility for keeping the information in these pages up to date nor any liability for any failure to do so.

3. The information contained in the material on the Website is intended only for the use of Ford & Fordson Association members. The material on the Website although published in good faith should not be relied upon to make (or refrain from making) any decision or take (or refrain from taking) any action.

4. The Website contains material submitted and created by private and trade dealers and other parties. All liability for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions in such material is excluded.

5. We give no warranties, conditions, guarantees or representations, express or implied, as to:-

(a) the completeness or accuracy of the advice and information contained on the Website or any website to which it is linked;

(b) the content of the advertisements for items included in our database, including but not limited to the ownership, quality, authenticity of any photographs, compliance with description or fitness for purpose of any such items/goods/vehicles;

(c) the completeness of the results of any search of our database or the items selected by the search.

6. The Website publishes advertisements placed by third parties to advertise their items and other goods and/or services. We do not own these items / vehicles or goods advertised for sale on the Website and expressly exclude any liability as to their accuracy or for any losses that you may incur as a result of purchasing a vehicle, goods and/or any services advertised by third parties. If you choose to purchase a vehicle, goods / items and/or services advertised for sale by third parties on the Website, the contract will be between you and the third party advertiser and not with us.

7. All rights, including copyright, in the content of these web pages and in the photographs of any items / vehicles displayed on the Website from time to time and all database rights in our database of items / website/ listings and data are owned or controlled for these purposes by us (Ford & Fordson Association)

8. All Ford & Fordson Association trademarks, names and logos are the proprietary marks of us (Ford & Fordson Association). Marks identifying third parties are owned or licensed by those third parties or their associated companies. Nothing in these terms and conditions in any way confers on you any licence or right under any trademarks, names or logos.

9. We are not liable for any failure to perform any of our obligations under these terms and conditions caused by matters beyond our reasonable control.

Ford & Fordson Association December 2022

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  • Hits: 3795

Banner Products

Banner Products

Majority of items shown are available at Shows being attended by the FFA


    • Size: 70cm x 2 mtrs
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with Eyelets to suit
    • £40 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00

    • Size: 70cm x 2 mtrs
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with clear durable eyelets
    • 25mm (1") White Border around banner
    • £40 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00

    • Size: 70cm x 2 mtrs
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with clear durable eyelets
    • No Border around banner
    • £40 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00
  • E27N 75th Celebration Banner

    • Size: 70cm x 2 mtrs
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with Eyelets to suit
    • £40 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00

    • Size: 1mtr x 1.5 mtr
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with Eyelets to suit
    • £60 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00   
  • Fordson Dexta 60th year Banner

    • Size: 1mtr x 1.5 mtr
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with Eyelets to suit
    • £60 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00
  • Fordson Model F Centinery

    • Size: 1mtr x 1.5 mtr
    • Internal or External use
    • Heavy Duty Vinyl
    • Folded over Edges with Eyelets to suit
    • £60 + Postage
    • Postage costs: UK - £12.00

The costs shown above are for the UK and for each item
Orders for delivery outside of the UK will attract additional costs

 For information on availability and any other questions, please contact: Jane Broomhall on 01379 677866/07884 115089, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post your enquiry to Newhall, 1 Sneath Road, Aslacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR15 2DS

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  • Hits: 4926


FFA Clothing Products

See complete details of our clothing merchandise

  • Baseball Cap

    • Navy or Royal Blue
    • Embroided Logo
    • One size fits all
    • £10.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item -UK £4.50
  • Beanie Hat

    • Navy Blue
    • Embroided Logo
    • One size fits all
    • £10.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Kids Overalls

    • Royal Blue
    • Hardwearing Polyester/Cotton
    • Full Front Openning with Velcro Fastening
    • Sizes: 1-2 yrs, 2-3 yrs, 3-4 yrs, 5-6 yrs, 7-8 yrs,  9-10 yrs, 11-12 yrs and 13 yrs
    • £15 + Postage
    • Postage per Item:UK £4.50
  • Gilet

    • Embroidered logo
    • Navy Blue with contrast trim
    • Sizes: L: XS-3XL/M: S-3XL 
    • £25.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Fleece

    • Navy Blue
    • Embroided Logo on Left Chest
    • Heavy Weight
    • 2 x Zipped Pockets
    • Sizes: S to 4XL
    • £25.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Sweatshirt

    • Navy Blue or Royal Blue
    • Round Neck
    • Embroided Logo on Left Chest
    • Heavy Weight
    • Sizes: Sizes: S to 4XL
    • £20.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Adult Overalls

    • Navy or Royal Blue
    • Embroided Logo on Left Chest
    • Heavy Weight
    • Sizes: 40" to 54"
    • £30.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Polo Shirt

    • Navy or Royal Blue
    • Embroided Logo on Left Chest
    • Heavy Weight
    • Sizes: S to 4XL
    • £15.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Hoodie

    • Navy Blue with Grey Inner Hood
    • Embroidered Logo on Left Chest
    • Sizes: S to 4XL
    • £25.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Waterproof Jacket

    • Embroided F.F.A Logo on Left Chest
    • Navy or Royal Blue
    • Sizes: S to 4XL
    • £40.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50
  • Body Warmer

    • Navy Blue
    • Embroided Logo on Left Chest
    • Sizes: S to 4XL
    • £30.00 + Postage
    • Postage per Item: UK £4.50

The costs shown above are for the UK and for each item
Orders for delivery outside of the UK will attract additional costs

 For information on availability and any other questions, please contact: Jane Broomhall on 01379 677866/07884 115089, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post your enquiry to Newhall, 1 Sneath Road, Aslacton, Norwich, Norfolk NR15 2DS

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  • Hits: 8247

About Us

About Us

Some details about who we are and what we do

The Ford & Fordson Association was founded in 2004 by Kelsey Publishing. With their encouragement the Club became fully independent in 2016. The Ford & Fordson Association is your Club, and its success is totally the result of its members support and hard work. Make no mistake it is wholly reliant on your backing and without it, it would cease to exist. That is not to say it is all work and no play, both members and those on the committee alike enjoy friendships built up over the years, meeting likeminded people at shows, road runs, ploughing matches and other events. Not to mention the immensely valuable information freely available to members on virtually any subject from a particular technical problem to where to track down an elusive part.

Committee members do not receive expenses for traveling to events or sustenance, they are only reimbursed for direct ‘out of pocket’ expenditure on the Club’s behalf such as stationery and postage. This is why, even before Covid, we held committee meetings at shows to reduce travelling costs and in the restricted period by zoom. It is also why we decided to move the AGM, with members agreement, to a show event to encourage member attendance and thereby reduce costs too.

As the cost of living rises and global warming becomes undeniable, we are all under pressure to reduce consumption. Fuel is particularly expensive and in future the Club will attend less events that have several of the committee present. This will mean that if you wish the Club to have a stand at your favourite show you must speak to your local representative to organise it, or simply consider doing it yourself. Often, I expect, committee members will also be there and will certainly make materials available for the event. In some areas this is already happening and works very well, but there is no doubt this will become the new normal. With increasing membership numbers and an excellent magazine, your Club’s future is bright and with your continuing help and support the Club will flourish, BUT your involvement is crucial. If, as a Club member, you wish to become a representative in your home county, please contact our secretary.

Club Chairman

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